March 7, 2020 SnyderTalk—The Survival of our Nation is at Stake

Warning: This SnyderTalk Editorial Contains Graphic Language.

“Trust Yahweh with all your heart, and don’t lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3: 5-6



The Survival of our Nation is at Stake

Democrat attacks on the Supreme Court are designed to shore up the base of the Democrat Party.  They will continue until Democrat higher-ups get a message from voters that is impossible to ignore.  The 2016 presidential election was a step in the right direction, but one election is not enough.

Democrats have very thick skulls.  They must go down in a crushing defeat, or they will interpret the election results incorrectly.

Abortion is the Heart of the Matter

Abortion is the heart of the matter.  More than any other issue, abortion on demand defines the Democrat Party.

Abortion is what Democrats believe in.  It’s what they stand for.  It’s what they will fight for until the bitter end.  So far, nothing that has happened has caused Democrats to rethink their position on abortion.

To protect the “constitutional right to chose”, Democrats are willing to destroy our country.  That’s exactly what they will do if we let them.

Is Abortion Really the Heart of the Matter?

When I say that abortion is the Democrat Party’s primary reason for being, eyebrows are raised.  It’s difficult for decent Americans to believe that a single issue, especially abortion, could carry that much weight, but it does.

Don’t believe me.  Believe Democrats.

See “Anti-abortion Democrats head into Super Tuesday without a candidate to support”:

There’s one thing that every Democratic presidential candidate agrees on: abortion rights.

The current candidates are more supportive of abortion rights than candidates have been at any other moment in the Democratic party’s history. Every candidate has pledged to codify into law Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that nationally legalized abortion, and has promised to repeal the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal dollars from funding abortion. 

Some candidates have even said that supporting abortion rights is a critical part of being part of the party. At an event in New Hampshire last month, Bernie Sanders said, “being ‘pro-choice’ is an absolutely essential part of being a Democrat.”

Bernie Sanders is Telling the Truth about the Democrat Party

The thing about Bernie Sanders that frightens Democrats most is his willingness to say publicly things that Democrat higher-ups will talk about only among themselves in cloistered confines far removed from public scrutiny.  But Sanders told the truth. “Being ‘pro-choice’ is an absolutely essential part of being a Democrat.”

Bill Clinton was well-known as a pro-abortion president.  Republican attempts to impeach him and remove him from office were met with strong resistance from abortion activists.  Among them were the so-called “Democrat intellectual elite”, people like Nina Burleigh.

Burleigh is an outspoken Democrat activist and propagandist.  She’s a graduate of the University of Chicago and an adjunct professor at the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism.  More than 2 decades ago, Burleigh said this about Clinton:

“I would be happy to give him a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal.”

By her own admission, Burleigh is a cocksucker.  The Democrat Party is loaded with people like her.  Cocksuckers have at least one thing in common.  They think abortion is something to be proud of.

Perverted and Immoral Sex Define the Democrat Party

Perverted and immoral sex of all sorts define the Democrat Party and shape its agenda.  From homosexuality to pedophilia to bestiality to transgenderism to questioning gender altogether to who knows what, illicit sex is the driving force behind the Democrat Party.  It reminds me of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Could Sodom and Gomorrah have been worse than the Democrat Party?  I don’t think so.

To Democrats, abortion from first trimester to partial birth to infanticide is just a simple medical procedure.  Its purpose is to eliminate mistakes and to prevent women from having to raise children they don’t want.

Democrats see the lives of children slaughtered during abortion procedures as irrelevant. So far in the United States, more than 60 million unborn children have been sacrificed so that women can lead lives of debauchery.

To Democrats, my using words like “illicit” in connection with sex and “debauchery” in connection with lifestyles suggest that I just don’t get it.  Well, I do get it.  Problem is Democrats don’t.

To understand how pervasive the abortion problem is, you need to look no further than Democrat-controlled California.  In the Golden State today, there are 512 abortion clinics.  Putting that in perspective, there are 1,165 McDonald’s in California.

“Liberal intellectual elites” in California think they have the model that the rest of the nation needs to follow.  They think there should be an abortion clinic at every major intersection.  The next thing you know, they will demand drive thru service.

See “Abortion, Incendiary Rhetoric, Violence: Just the Facts”.

Nina Burleigh is not an outlier.  She is representative of typical Democrats.  If need be, Democrat politicians and their supporters would line up to do free sexual favors to thank those who support a so-called “constitutional right” that doesn’t exist.

Roe v. Wade is Bad Law

The constitutional underpinnings of Roe v. Wade are nonexistent.  Precedent is the only thing protecting abortion on demand, and precedents can be changed.  Democrats have known that since 1973, so they want to protect their gains by codifying into law the gains they have made.  They can’t do that until 2 things happen:

  1. Democrats must control the House, the Senate, and the presidency.
  2. An overwhelming majority of Democrats in both houses of Congress must be willing to go on record as supporting things that are horrific and inhumane: Things that are indefensible on moral and legal grounds and things that normal people find repugnant.

Until President Trump came along, Democrats were satisfied with the status quo, because establishment Republicans in the House and Senate offered only token resistance to their agenda.  President Trump upset the apple cart.  His 2016 victory was not just a defeat of Hillary Clinton.  To win the right to challenge her, he had to defeat the Republican Party’s establishment base. Today, they are known as “Never Trumpers”, and they are alive and well.

Slowly but surely, Never Trumpers in the House and Senate are being replaced by Republicans who are not joined at the hip with Democrats.  Similar changes are taking place in states from across the nation.  At this point, the changeover in the Republican Party is virtually complete.  One more election should finish the job.  That’s causing a great deal of consternation in Democrat and establishment Republican circles.

See “The Downfall of the Republican Party” and “Is Trumpism Permanent?”.

The 2020 Election is Key

The 2020 election is key.  Four things must happen:

  1. President Trump must win re-election.
  2. Republicans must regain control of the House.
  3. Republicans must strengthen their advantage in the Senate.
  4. State and local Republicans must get onboard with President Trump’s agenda.

Those 4 things are likely to happen in November.  Democrats have all but guaranteed it by settling on Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders as the top 2 contenders for the Democrat nomination for president.

Sanders and Biden are Losers

Bernie Sanders is a communist with a record of no accomplishments to show for his career in politics.  He’s just a loudmouthed bum.  That’s why nobody who knows him likes him.  With Sanders on the ticket, Democrats will get shellacked.  Democrat higher-ups know that.

Biden’s record in the Senate is very weak, but it’s better than Sanders’ record.  Biden is a corrupt career politician who is literally losing his mind.  So far, Democrats have prevented Biden’s corrupt activities form getting the scrutiny they deserve.  In the general election, Biden’s record will be exposed, and his dementia will be on display for the world to see.

The fact that Democrats are about to nominate Joe Biden speaks volumes.  Democrat higher-ups must think he is the best they have to offer the American people, or they wouldn’t be stealing the nomination from Sanders, again.

Neither Sanders nor Biden stands a chance against President Trump in a head-to-head showdown unless decent Americans sit out election day.  That ain’t gonna happen.

The 2020 election will reverberate for many years to come.  You can put that in the bank.

See “The American People are Better Than Democrats”.

The Supreme Court and Judicial Appointments are Front and Center

The Supreme Court and judicial appointments are front and center again this election cycle.  The stakes couldn’t be higher, and Democrats have a lot to lose.

That’s why Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer went crazy the other day on the steps of the Supreme Court and threatened Associate Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh with physical violence if they supported legislation that is aimed at making sure doctors who perform abortions are competent.

The aftershocks from that tragic scene continue to jolt the political landscape in our nation’s capital.  See “Dem Senator Slams Chief Justice for Scolding Schumer, Implies that 80 Recent SCOTUS Decisions are Illegitimate”:

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D., R.I.) has implied that 80 recent Supreme Court decisions are illegitimate due to the “partisan” nature of the decisions and the influence of Republican donors on the court’s composition.

“As the architect of an 80-case barrage of partisan, 5-4 decisions for big Republican donor interests, Chief Justice Roberts has zero credibility playing umpire in any political squabble,” Whitehouse wrote on Twitter on Wednesday. The senator has since continued to post on the supposed 80 partisan decisions.

“[Senate Majority Leader Mitch] McConnell’s effort to pack the Court is echoed by his effort to reassure the Republican justices of continued Republican political support. In a word: ‘Keep churning out the decisions for our big donors, boys; we’ve got your back,’” Whitehouse wrote on Thursday.

Whitehouse appeared to be responding to the controversy over Senator Chuck Schumer’s (D., N.Y.) remarks outside the Supreme Court on Wednesday. Schumer was speaking to a group of abortion rights activists as the court debated a case that could restrict access to abortions in the state of Louisiana.

Democrats will continue to attack the Supreme Court and the federal judiciary, because the Supreme Court and federal courts are returning to their traditional role: Interpreting the Constitution instead of making laws from the bench.

President Trump is responsible for making that happen.  See “President Donald J. Trump Is Appointing a Historic Number of Federal Judges to Uphold Our Constitution as Written”:

  • Working with the Senate, President Trump has now had 158 judicial nominees confirmed to the Federal bench – a historic transformation of the judiciary.
  • President Trump has nominated and had confirmed, two Supreme Court justices, 44 Circuit Court judges, and 112 District Court judges.
  • President Trump has appointed more circuit judges by this point in his presidency than any president in recent history.
  • Approximately 1 out of every 4 active judges on United States Courts of Appeals has been appointed by President Trump.
  • This historic transformation is only accelerating, with President Trump on pace to have more judges confirmed this year than in 2017 and 2018 combined.

The 2020 Presidential Election

Get ready for a real slugfest.  That’s what the 2020 presidential election is shaping up to be.

If President Trump wins re-election, by 2024 he will complete the process of changing our entire federal court system for at least a generation.  Democrats know that because President Trump keeps his word, and that’s exactly what he promised to do.

Democrats will hold nothing back.  Any dirty trick no matter how underhanded it is will be on the table.  Things like a fake Russia collusion investigation and phony articles of impeachment and who know what else are in play, and they will be thrust upon us between now and November.

That’s why Chuck Schumer didn’t hesitate to threaten Associate Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh with physical violence in front of a ranting mob of Democrat supporters gathered at the Supreme Court.

That’s why Senator Whitehouse accused the Supreme Court of doing the bidding of monied interests instead of being fair arbiters of the law.  Those accusations are patently absurd, but they resonate with the ranting Democrat mob.

Schumer and Whitehouse are just 2 among many.  There is a lot more to come between now and November 3rd.

Get Ready for Trump Derangement Syndrome on Steroids

After the 2020 election, Democrats will make Trump Derangement Syndrome look like the sniffles.  Thank Yahweh for the Second Amendment to the Constitution.  For obvious reasons, that’s another thing that Democrats want to eliminate along with the Electoral College and the Constitution.

The survival of our nation is at stake.  I can’t stress that point enough.







“The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.” (John 17: 22-24)

See “His Name is Yahweh”.

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