October 25, 2019 SnyderTalk—Democrats are Going Stark Raving Mad

“My holy Name I will make known in the midst of My people Israel.  I will not let My holy Name be profaned anymore, and the Gentiles will know that I am Yahweh, the Holy One in Israel.”

Ezekiel 39: 7



Democrats are Going Stark Raving Mad

See “Justice Department upgrades Russia review to criminal investigation”:

The Department of Justice has upgraded its probe into the origins of the Russia investigation from an administrative review to a criminal investigation, a person familiar with the information confirmed to CBS News on Thursday. The investigation is being overseen by Attorney General William Barr and being run by Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham.

The move gives Durham the power to subpoena witnesses and documents and to impanel a grand jury that could bring criminal charges. Durham has been examining whether the government’s intelligence collection efforts related to Trump associates were lawful and appropriate, both during the 2016 presidential campaign and after President Trump was inaugurated.

Democrats are Cooking their own Goose

There’s a good reason why Democrats are going stark raving mad. DOJ IG Horowitz, Judge Durham, and AG Barr have identified most of the coup plotters and their co-conspirators.

Democrats are about to be exposed.

The impeachment debacle in the House was timed to coincide with this development. The fact that people in the State Department and the CIA are involved in the impeachment circus suggests that both agencies are about to take a big hit.

John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Andy McCabe, Peter Strzok, Bruce Ohr, others in government during the coup plot, and several people who were not in government are in serious trouble.

Brennan and Clapper are in it up to their eyeballs. So is Robert Mueller.

Mueller should have discovered all of the criminal activity.  You can bet that he did discover everything, but he chose to ignore it. Don’t be surprised if Mueller is charged as a criminal co-conspirator.

Others involved in the coup plot include Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch, and Barack Obama.  That’s the direct line to the Oval Office.  Others carried out their plan.

Will the investigations underway now reach that high?  I hope so.  It will be a shame if they don’t.

Speak Softly but Carry a Big Stick

Barr, Durham, and Horowitz are not producing a steady flow of leaks. That’s because they are honest men who take their jobs seriously.  They are professionals who are conducting real investigations.

Mueller’s investigation was not a real investigation.  It was a “witch-hunt”.  The “Russia collusion” hoax was designed to impeach the president, but it failed.

Leaks from Team Mueller were nothing compared with the leaks coming out of the House Intelligence Committee’s impeachment investigation under Chairman Adam Schiff.

Schiff isn’t conducting an real investigation, either.  He’s overseeing a circus that’s designed to produce false narratives that can deflect attention away from the real criminals most of whom are Democrats.

President Trump was a victim during Mueller’s “investigation”, and he’s a victim in Schiff’s impeachment circus.

Switching Gears Slightly

Democrats across the nation are calling President Trump a racist.  That’s ridiculous.  President Trump has done more for black people in America in less than 3 years than Barack Obama did for them in 8 years, and he’s done it with absolutely no help from Democrats.

Thanks to President Trump, black people in America are better off today than they have ever been, and things are moving in the right direction.

Black unemployment is at an all-time low.  Job opportunities are opening up for black people.  Crime in corrupt cities that are run by Democrats is finally getting the kind of attention it deserves.

All of this bodes well for black Americans.

Yesterday, Joe Biden suggested again that President Trump is a racist.  He described the president’s use of the word “lynching” as a “dog whistle” designed to call in the racists among us.


The “Trump is a racist” narrative is just as phony as the “Russia collusion” narrative.  Democrats are trying to overturn the 2016 presidential election, and they know that they can’t beat President Trump in a general election. They are grasping at straws and trying to sell one false narrative after another.

It won’t work. The American people are waking up to the fact that Democrats are rotten through-and-through.

Please read “The ‘No Moral Equivalence’ Argument is a Radical Left Con Job”. Charlottesville was a Democrat ploy to sell a lie to the American people.

President Trump is not a racist.  He’s not a Russian spy, either.

Defending yourself  and looking into criminal activity are not impeachable offenses.







“The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.” (John 17: 22-24)

See “His Name is Yahweh”.

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