October 5, 2019 SnyderTalk—Whistleblower 1 is Going Down in Flames, Up next Whistleblower 2

“My holy Name I will make known in the midst of My people Israel.  I will not let My holy Name be profaned anymore, and the Gentiles will know that I am Yahweh, the Holy One in Israel.”

Ezekiel 39: 7



Whistleblower 1 is Going Down in Flames, Up next Whistleblower 2

The “whistleblower” strategy being used by Democrats to try to impeach President Trump is just like the strategy Democrats used and are still using against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

See “Some Democrats call for Kavanaugh impeachment over new sexual misconduct claims”.

The Democrats’ goal is to make Justice Kavanaugh disappear politically and never return, to discredit him completely regardless of his innocence.  As long as he sits on the Supreme Court, Democrats will see him as a threat to their agenda, particularly to abortion on demand with impunity.

The steady drip of accusations against Justice Kavanaugh is supposed to convince the American people that he is a sexual predator. Democrats think the American people will believe their lies if they are spoon-fed one accusation after another ad infinitum.

Ford’s Hit Job in the Senate Failed

Christine Blasey Ford was the star accuser in the Senate confirmation hearing for Judge Kavanaugh.  She was supposed to take him down. She failed.  Judge Kavanaugh is now Justice Kavanaugh.

The DOJ should have gone after Ford with gusto for committing perjury.  Proving that she lied under oath is a no-brainer.  No one corroborated her story, not even her best friend who was supposed to support her story.  Her friend denied knowing anything about it.

See “Too Much is at Stake to Sweep Christine Blasey Ford’s Allegation Under the Rug”.

We can’t permit people to make obviously false allegations under oath as a political strategy and allow them to expect that their lying will cost them nothing.

It’s amazing what people will say and do if they think there is no downside.  When people lie under oath, they must be held accountable.

Democrats are Typical Bullies

Democrats are typical bullies. The best and most effective way to deal with a bully is to punch him in the face, hard.

As long as bullies are allowed to get away with their crimes, they will continue to commit crimes.  We’ve allowed the Democrat Party to get away with murder, and I mean that literally.

For example, see “Why I Dabble in Jeffrey Epstein Conspiracy Theories”.

People are suspicious about the circumstances surrounding Epstein’s “suicide” for a reason.  He was a threat to the Democrat Party.  He was a friend to high-ranking Democrats including Bill Clinton.  Epstein’s Democrat friends joined him on his “Lolita Express” with young girls.  They were on their way to Epstein’s private island retreat to engage in who knows what kinds of activities.

Epstein supposedly committed “suicide” while he was in custody, in solitary confinement, under suicide watch, under constant video surveillance, and with guards posted outside his cell watching his every move.  All of those safeguards supposedly failed, and his guards were supposedly asleep.

Epstein’s “suicide” under those conditions is very suspicious.  Most likely, he was eliminated.

Who had the most to lose if Epstein spilled his guts?  Democrats and the Democrat Party.

Whistleblower 1 is Going Down in Flames

Whistleblower 1 is going down in flames.  His/her accusation is part of an orchestrated attack against President Trump.  It’s designed to prevent the president’s reelection in 2020.

Those involved in orchestrating the attack against the president include Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi, but there are many others in politics and in the media.  See the articles below:

Ordinary Americans aren’t stupid.  They know they are being scammed again.  Nancy Pelosi explained what Democrats are up to, and it was captured on video:

Democrats think anything they do to prevent President Trump’s reelection is justified. To them, honesty doesn’t matter.  Morality doesn’t matter.  Nothing matters except defeating President Trump.

Up Next, Whistleblower 2

It’s not a coincidence that while whistleblower 1 is going down in flames, whistleblower 2 is stepping up to the plate.  Like I said, this is just like the Democrats’ Kavanaugh strategy.

Democrats think that a steady drip, drip, drip of lies will persuade the American people to believe them.  See “New York Times: 2nd intelligence official might submit whistleblower complaint”.

It didn’t work on Kavanaugh, and it won’t work now. Democrats are shooting themselves in both feet, because the American people are beginning to believe that Democrats can’t be trusted.

They are right.  Democrats can’t be trusted.

The DOJ has a Job to Do

The DOJ needs to get serious and start a criminal investigation against whistleblower 1. Passing on or receiving classified information is a crime unless there is a need to know. I would be shocked if leader-to-leader phone calls aren’t classified, and I would be amazed if whistleblower 1 had a need to know.

The Democrat Party is rotten to the core. It is composed of soul-sick people who will say and do anything for wealth and power.  They must be held accountable.

Impeachment is the Democrats’ Campaign Strategy for Winning in 2020

I got a kick out of Pelosi’s comment about being “prayerful”.  She and her accomplices in the Democrat Party are using impeachment as a campaign strategy, and she wants us to join them in prayer to make sure that it works.

Yahweh is not a Fool

I can only imagine what Yahweh thought when He heard Pelosi’s call for prayer to unseat His man for a time like this, President Trump.  Yahweh is merciful and forgiving, but He is not a fool.

Pelosi?  She’s a horse of a different color.

Invoking Yahweh in a scam is a dangerous thing to do.  Typical Democrats don’t believe Yahweh exists. They are in for a big surprise.

I have a hunch that Bernie Sanders is the first Democrat to get a direct message from Yahweh.  I think others will follow quickly.




“The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.” (John 17: 22-24)

See “His Name is Yahweh”.

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