October 7, 2018 SnyderTalk: Too Much is at Stake to Sweep Christine Blasey Ford’s Allegation Under the Rug

“From the rising of the sun even to its setting, My Name will be great among the nations,” says Yahweh Sabaoth.

(Malachi 1: 11)



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Too Much is at Stake to Sweep Christine Blasey Ford’s Allegation Under the Rug

What should be done about Christine Blasey Ford’s attempt to destroy Brett Kavanaugh?

Politicians tend to move on to the next item on the agenda and pretend that things are settled.  Finishing the job is almost never considered.  Closure isn’t even an afterthought.

Ford’s case isn’t ordinary.  It’s not politics as usual.  We need finality.

This is a Conspiracy

Ford’s allegation was part of a conspiracy at the highest levels of government.  It involved key members of the Senate including Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, and at least two presidential hopefuls, Kamala Harris and Cory Booker.

They conspired to destroy a man’s career, his life, and the lives of his wife and daughters.  They did it because Brett Kavanaugh had the audacity to be nominated to the Supreme Court by President Trump.

Ford made a false allegation.  That’s a crime.  A serious investigation should be launched to identify every person who conspired with her.  All of them are guilty.  All of them should be brought to justice.

Ford’s allegation was preposterous.  Even so, it’s being used right now to rally the forces on the far left, the so-called “liberal progressives” among us.

There was no sexual assault.  Ford is not a survivor.  She is a liar and a criminal.

During Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing when Senator Feinstein asked Ford how she knew that he was her attacker, Ford said that she knew it the same way she knew that she was talking with Feinstein at that moment.

In other words, Ford said that she looked Kavanaugh in the eye and knew who he was.

When Senator Dick Durbin asked Ford how certain she was that Kavanaugh was her attacker, she said, “One hundred percent.”

In other words, Ford said that she was absolutely positive that Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her.  There was no room for doubt in her mind, but she could remember practically nothing else.  The other things she could remember could not be corroborated by anyone.

If Ford’s allegation is not false, someone should have been able to corroborate at least part of her story.

There was No Corroboration for any Part of Ford’s Story

Let this sink in.  Nothing Ford said was corroborated by anyone.  From start to finish, Ford’s story is full of holes:

  1. Exactly where the alleged assault happened was never identified.
  2. Ford’s recollections about the place are spotty at best, including the room where the alleged assault took place. Professionals that I’ve talked with have told me that that’s not possible.
  3. When the alleged assault occurred is in doubt: not the day, the year.
  4. Ford said that she was 15 when the alleged assault took place. She was positive about that, because she said she didn’t have a driver’s license.  She said that her best friend, Leland Keyser, drove her to the house.  But then Ford suggested dates for the assault ranging from the early-1980s to the mid-1980s.  That’s ridiculous.  To identify the year, all you need to do is add 15 to Ford’s birth year.  Ford has a Ph.D. degree.  She knows how to add.
  5. Every person that Ford alleges was at the unknown location said that they remember nothing about the incident. As far as they are concerned, it never happened, at least while they were present.  That includes Leland Keyser.
  6. Keyser should have been Ford’s key witness. According to Ford, Keyser was the only other female at the gathering. She was supposed to have driven Ford to the gathering.  Supposedly, Ford ran out of the house after the attack and made her way home, but she never told Keyser that she was leaving and Keyser didn’t ask Ford anything about it later.
  7. Keyser didn’t corroborate any part of Ford’s story.  She doesn’t remember taking Ford to the house as Ford alleges.  She doesn’t remember Ford running out of the house and mysteriously disappearing.  Keyser can recall nothing about the incident.
  8. According to The Wall Street Journal, Keyser “told investigators that Monica McLean, a retired Federal Bureau of Investigation agent and a friend of Dr. Ford’s, had urged her to clarify her statement.” In other words, Keyser said that Monica McLean, a former FBI agent, “urged her” to change her testimony.  That’s called witness tampering.  It’s a crime.
  9. Ford said that she ran out of the unknown location and went home. Home was more than 6 miles away from the most likely location where the alleged assault took place.  Ford can’t remember who took her home, and no one came forward to say that he or she drove Ford home.  Ford said that she doesn’t remember walking home, either.  How did she get home?
  10. Nothing about Ford’s story passes the smell test. Nothing adds up.  Nothing makes any sense.

Suspicions Abound

Everything about Ford’s allegation is suspicious:

  1. The details of the allegation.
  2. The timing of the allegation.
  3. The way the allegation was released to the public after Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing had ended.
  4. The call for an FBI investigation after the allegation was made public even though Senator Feinstein had been sitting on it for weeks.
  5. The “spontaneous” outpouring of support for victims of sexual assault.
  6. The organized busloads of people who were brought to Washington on a moment’s notice to protest Kavanaugh’s confirmation by the Senate.
  7. The attempt by Democrats to make sexual assault a campaign issue and to make Republicans out to be supporters of a sexual predator.

Ford’s allegation stinks to high heaven.  It’s political theater, a made-for-television publicity stunt.  It’s politics at its worst.

Who are the Victims?

Christine Blasey Ford isn’t a victim of sexual assault as she claims. She’s a liar and a criminal.

Brett Kavanaugh, his wife and daughters, and the American people are the victims in this case.

Young women were victimized.  More than any other group, they will pay the price for Ford’s lies.  If people were reluctant to believe young women before when they claim a sexual assault, they will be even more hesitant to believe them now.

Young men were victimized, too.  They can be falsely accused by anyone at any time and have their lives ruined.  An allegation alone is enough to destroy them.  Due process has been abandoned.

Christine Blasey Ford’s Case Really is about Due Process

Ford deserves her day in court.  I believe she is guilty of multiple crimes.  If I’m right, she deserves a long stint in prison.

Ford’s case should not be swept under the rug.  Too much is at stake to let that happen.

We can’t allow reasonable people to believe that a sexual predator was appointed to the Supreme Court.  Nutjobs among us, “liberal progressive” Democrats in particular, will believe anything no matter how preposterous it is, but facts will inform thinking people’s opinions.

Thankfully, “liberal progressive” Democrats are a minority in our country.  Investigating Ford’s allegation and giving her and her co-conspirators the justice they deserve will cause people to think twice before joining the ranks of numb-skull Democrats.

The American people need to know the truth, every salacious detail, including the names of everyone involved in the conspiracy.

All of them should be charged with crimes.  We can’t allow any of them to get off scot-free.

Brett Kavanaugh won’t be the last person nominated to the Supreme Court.  If “liberal progressive” Democrats aren’t held accountable now, who knows what they will come up with next?  Anything is possible, and I mean anything.

Don’t Expect this thing to Go Away on its Own

This thing won’t go away on its own.

Democrats will use Christine Blasey Ford until she hurts them, because they think she is their ticket to a blue wave in November and beyond.

There will be a steady drip, drip, drip of new unsupported allegations until the perpetrators are punished.  By that, I mean sent to prison.

As long as the perpetrators think they will never be held accountable, they will continue.

Put an end to the madness.  Get the DOJ involved now and take these false allegations to their natural conclusions.

See “Christine Ford’s story isn’t over”.  That’s correct.  Ford’s story isn’t over and it won’t be over until people have to pay the price for making false allegations.

About Google: This is not an Aside

I do a lot of research.  I’ve been doing it for decades.

I’ve been using Google since Day One.  Over the years, Google has gotten worse, not better.

Google is a search engine.  It’s set up for people like you and me to find facts about anything that interests us.  Simply typing in key words takes us to internet sites that provide information on subjects of our choosing.

If you type “Christine Blasey Ford” and whatever you want to know about her in the Google search bar, it will show you a list of items.  Regardless of what you type in the search bar, all or virtually all of the items listed on the first page suggest that Ford was an innocent victim of an unwanted sexual assault by Brett Kavanaugh.  The same is true for pages 2, 3, 4, etc.

If you doubt that, type “Christine Blasey Ford lied to the Judiciary Committee”, click “News”, and see what comes up.

A lot of information has been divulged suggesting that Ford is lying.  For example, see “Ex-boyfriend pokes holes in Christine Blasey Ford’s story; FBI Kavanaugh probe could end Wednesday“.  You won’t find items that challenge Ford’s story on Google easily.  That’s by design.

Google is purposely hiding pertinent information.  That can’t continue.  Google isn’t just a company.  It’s a public utility.  If Google executives don’t understand that, then they need to be replaced.

That is prima facie evidence that Google has a political agenda. Google executives are trying to advance their political agenda by burying items that don’t support their point of view.

This is my conclusion:

Regulate Google!

More Reading

  • Kavanaugh on Supreme Court is a win for Trump, GOP and America
  • Collins and Kavanaugh: The Post-Truth Republican Party: This kind of outrageous “analysis” can’t go unchallenged. Francis Wilkinson is Opinion Editor for Bloomberg.  His conclusions fly in the face of every fact and all the evidence in Christine Blasey Ford’s case. They are based entirely on uncorroborated, far-fetched allegations.  We can’t sit back and watch while idiots and ideologs among us try to make Ford into a martyr for a cause.  She is a liar of the worst sort.  That fact needs to be made clear.  Thinking people need to know the truth, so they can be confident that justice was done.







“The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.” (John 17: 22-24)

See “His Name is Yahweh”.

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