October 8, 2018 SnyderTalk: Good People of Tennessee, You have a Fight on Your Hands

“From the rising of the sun even to its setting, My Name will be great among the nations,” says Yahweh Sabaoth.

(Malachi 1: 11)



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Good People of Tennessee, You have a Fight on Your Hands

See “Taylor Swift breaks political silence, backs Tennessee Dems”:

Music superstar Taylor Swift announced Sunday she’s voting for Tennessee’s Democratic Senate candidate Phil Bredesen, breaking her long-standing refusal to discuss anything politics.

“In the past I’ve been reluctant to publicly voice my political opinions, but due to several events in my life and in the world in the past two years, I feel very differently about that now,” Swift wrote in an Instagram post.

Swift has faced criticism for not speaking about political issues despite having a global platform. Yet in 2017, she appeared on the cover of Time magazine as one of the “silence breakers” for her countersuit against a radio DJ who was fired after allegedly groping her before a concert. Swift won the lawsuit in a verdict that awarded her $1, which according to the suit served as “an example to other women who may resist publicly reliving similar outrageous and humiliating acts.”

The pop star — who spent later years growing up in Tennessee — also slammed Republican candidate and U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn in her lengthy post on Sunday, citing Blackburn’s opposition to certain LGBTQ rights and voting against the Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act in 2013.

“As much as I have in the past and would like to continue voting for women in office, I cannot support Marsha Blackburn. Her voting record in Congress appalls and terrifies me,” Swift wrote.

Also, see “Democrat Bredesen and Republican Blackburn locked in a tight race for Senate in Tennessee: NBC News/Marist poll”:

Democrat Phil Bredesen holds a slight edge over Republican Marsha Blackburn in his bid to flip a GOP-held Senate seat in Tennessee, according to a new poll released Thursday.

Bredesen garners 48 percent of support among likely voters, compared with 46 percent for Blackburn. Five percent of likely voters responded that they are undecided. The Democratic former Tennessee governor’s edge over the GOP representative falls within the poll’s margin of error.

The two candidates aim to succeed Sen. Bob Corker, a Republican and occasional critic of President Donald Trump who declined to run for a third term. The incumbent’s departure and Bredesen’s statewide name recognition — he served from 2003 to 2011 — gives Democrats one of their best chances to flip a Senate seat on this year’s brutal Senate map.

Entertainers are Restless

Entertainers are out in force this election season.  Virtually all of them are supporting Democrats.

Taylor Swift is one example.  She’s supporting Phil Bredesen for the Senate because he’s a Democrat. Swift is opposing Marsha Blackburn because she’s a Republican.

In Swift’s world, supporting Democrats is normal.  Supporting Republicans is not.  It’s a cultural phenomenon.

Swift’s Logic

Swift said that Blackburn’s “opposition to certain LGBTQ rights and voting against the Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act in 2013” are the reasons why she is supporting Bredesen.

Swift believes what she said about Blackburn, but her beliefs don’t make her right.

“LGBTQ Rights”

So-called “LGBTQ rights” are evidence of our nation’s moral decay.  Each year, the list of perverted groups claiming “rights” under our Constitution keeps growing.  The “T” (transgender) and “Q” (queer) were added recently.

Pedophiles are next in line.  They think they have a constitutional “right” to have sex with small children.

See “Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile ‘Rights’ Marches On”.  That article was written 3 years ago.  Today, pedophiles are chomping at the bit to do with our children whatever they want with impunity, and it will happen if we allow it.

Perverted groups are waiting for their turn in line to obtain constitutional “rights”.  “Animal lovers” are near the front of the line, and it’s not what you think it is.

See “Bestiality is much, much more common than you think”.  “Animal lovers” will get their “rights”, too, if we allow it.

All the perverted groups have at least one thing in common.  The Democrat Party is championing their causes.  There is no such thing as too low for the Democrat Party.

I’m not exaggerating.  As weird as it sounds, I’m telling you the truth.

As Swift said, she really does have a “global platform”, but she’s not well-informed.  Swift can’t see the big picture.  She has no idea how we got here or where we are heading if we don’t take a stand.

Violence Against Women

Swift does know something about sexual assault.  She was groped by a DJ a few years ago.  The picture below shows the groping incident.  Swift took the DJ to court and won.

Swift was correct when she said that Marsha Blackburn voted against the Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act in 2013.

The title of the bill is deceiving.  The bill gives credence to so-called “LGBTQ rights”.  In other words, it was a backdoor attempt to solidify “LBGTQ rights”.

Blackburn is a woman.  She doesn’t support violence against women.  This is what she said about the Violence Against Women Act:

As a mother and grandmother, it is extremely important to me that VAWA is reauthorized in order to ensure that victims of violence have access to the care they need and the justice they deserve. Many of the women in Congress, like me, have worked in their own states to establish domestic violence and child advocacy centers. It is essential that these kinds of programs be in place to protect victims, not just from physical bruises, but from the emotional and mental scars as well. In my state of Tennessee last year, domestic violence made up more than 50 percent of all crimes against individuals. We must continue to make every effort to ensure that funding is available to help these victims of violence.

Blackburn didn’t want protections for women being overlaid on other groups that don’t deserve constitutional protections.  I think the good people of Tennessee know that Blackburn is right.

Swift conflated so-called “LGBTQ rights” and women’s rights.  That’s a serious problem.

Coming as it does on the heels of Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, Swift’s decision to come out politically is probably related to the “Believe the Accuser” movement.  If I’m right, Swift doesn’t understand the facts of Christine Blasey Ford’s case.

See “Too Much is at Stake to Sweep Christine Blasey Ford’s Allegation Under the Rug“. In a nutshell, Ford wasn’t a victim of a sexual assault.  She is a co-conspirator in a criminal enterprise whose goal was to take down as Supreme Court nominee.  Thankfully, they lost.

Since the Kavanaugh brouhaha is closely related to the “Stop Trump at all Costs” movement that’s spearheaded by the Democrat Party, I have a strong hunch that Swift has bought into that movement as well.  If I’m right, she is very naïve.

Whatever the case may be, Swift’s decision not to support Marsha Blackburn was a mistake.

Most Entertainers have More Dollars than Sense

Entertainers live in a make-believe world.  It’s a world where anything goes.

Swift’s net worth is more than $380,000,000.  In 2017, her net worth was $280,000,000.

Swift’s net worth increased by a staggering $100,000,000 in one year.  That’s okay.  She’s a hard worker.  She earned it.  She’s a good entertainer and a good songwriter.  In today’s world, good entertainers earn a fortune.

Swift is 28-years-old.  She has been rich beyond most people’s dreams since she was in her early-20s.  Swift’s vast wealth insulates her from the real world.  She doesn’t socialize with ordinary people.  She sees common folk from the stage.  They pay a small fortune to watch Swift perform.  To her, they are a mass of humanity.  She calls them fans.

Swift and her close friends have lost sight of the everyday world that most people inhabit.  It’s a world where safety and security are not guaranteed.

Anything goes in the world of the mega rich because they have protections that James Bond would have envied.  No one outside their cloistered enclaves can get close to them.  They live in a bulletproof bubble.  Generally speaking, the superrich are not people from whom normal people should take political advice.

Even mediocre entertainers earn a fortune.  Take Mark Ruffalo, for example.  He’s a mediocre entertainer, and his net worth is $30,000,000.  Ruffalo is 50-years-old.

Very few people with modest ability can earn that much in any industry besides entertainment.  Ruffalo earned his fortune pretending to be people he is not, and he lives his life in a make-believe world.

Ruffalo is urging people to vote for Democrats, too.

Don’t Take Entertainers Seriously when they Talk about Politics

Normal people shouldn’t take entertainers seriously when they talk about politics.  That includes Taylor Swift.

Taylor Swift lives in Tennessee.  I don’t.

She will vote in Tennessee.  I won’t.

She’s a great entertainer.  I’m not.

I like Taylor Swift.  I think she has a lot of potential beyond entertainment, but she’s not ready for prime time yet.  She has a lot of learning and growing to do.

Swift’s political views are shaped by her view of reality.  It’s a distorted view.  She doesn’t know it yet, but it’s a perverted view, too.

Good people of Tennessee, you need to elect Marsha Blackburn to the Senate.  I’m praying for you.




“The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.” (John 17: 22-24)

See “His Name is Yahweh”.

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