April 18, 2018 SnyderTalk: The Battle for the Heart and Soul of America is Just Getting Started

“I am Yahweh.  I do not change.  I am why Jacob’s descendants are not destroyed.” (Malachi 3: 6)


Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Day of Independence, will begin at sundown on Wednesday April 18, 2018 and end at sundown on Thursday April 19, 2018.
This year is the 70th anniversary of Israel’s rebirth. Biblically, 70 is an important number. 2018 is an important year.



The Battle for the Heart and Soul of America is Just Getting Started

During his interview on ABC with George Stephanopoulos, James Comey saved his most telling comment for last. He revealed who he is when he used the Charlottesville incident and the “no moral equivalence” argument that sprung from it to explain why Donald Trump is “morally unfit to be president.”

I know the facts of that case. I wrote about them.  See:

  1. The “No Moral Equivalence” Argument is a Radical Left Con Job
  2. The Charlottesville Incident: Justice Demands Action, not Words

The first editorial, “The ‘No Moral Equivalence’ Argument is a Radical Left Con Job”, contains videos of the 3 statements President Trump made concerning Charlottesville.  He was right.  The facts prove it.

The Charlottesville Incident wasn’t Spontaneous

I spent 25 years of my life in Charlottesville. I know the town well. The Charlottesville City Council engineered the incident. That’s what the facts show.

“Liberal progressives” in Charlottesville are just like “liberal progressives” everywhere. They think that the ends justify the means. They used the Charlottesville incident to score political points, and things seemed to spin out of control.

It wasn’t an accident.  I think the Charlottesville City Council wanted people to die. You know the old saying: “If it bleeds, it leads.”  If people die, it attracts even more media attention, and that’s what I think they wanted.

Don’t rule it out. Remember, the Charlottesville City Council is “liberal progressive”.

The second editorial, “The Charlottesville Incident: Justice Demands Action, not Words”, delves into facts that casual observers of the Charlottesville incident don’t know. You need to read it.

Clearly, the Charlottesville incident was a staged political event.  Two opposing groups were allowed to protest simultaneously, and they were herded together.  There is no rational explanation for that happening except that the Charlottesville City Council wanted to provoke a violent confrontation.

“No Moral Equivalence” is a Call to Battle

Seemingly, the “no moral equivalence” mantra sprung up out of nowhere, and it was repeated tirelessly by “liberal progressives” across the nation immediately after the Charlottesville incident occurred. Believing that that happened by chance stretches credulity to the breaking point.

It must have been planned, and it wasn’t planned in Charlottesville. Charlottesville was the launching point, but the Charlottesville City Council was following orders from higher “liberal progressive” authorities.

Think of it as community organizing on a grand scale.  Who is the nation’s leading community organizer?

When Comey parroted the “liberal progressive” mantra about Charlottesville in his interview with Stephanopoulos, he revealed who he is and what he is trying to accomplish. In the “liberal progressive” community, the “no moral equivalence” argument is a battle cry, a call for violent action by the masses.

I believe that’s what James Comey and others like him want.  In their world, they have a right and a duty to physically attack anyone who doesn’t buy into their way of thinking.  In their world, any action no matter how demonic is permissible.  They know that the changes they want to see won’t happen without violent outbursts, and they are trying to set them off.

We are very close to things happening in the United States that most people can’t imagine.  “Liberal progressives” are trying desperately to strip away our Second Amendment rights, because our guns and ammo stand between them and success.  They want to disarm us so they can win without a serious fight.

“Liberal progressives” have already desensitized the nation to cold-blooded murder.  That’s what abortion is, and “liberal progressives” will fight to the death to defend it.  I’m not exaggerating.  Battles over the legality of abortion are heading our way.  It’s inevitable.

James Comey is not a Lone Wolf

James Comey had accomplices.  He worked with Andy McCabe and others in the FBI to prevent Donald Trump from being elected. But Comey wasn’t the ringleader.  He was taking orders from Attorney General Loretta Lynch who was in cahoots with the Clinton Campaign.  Believing that Lynch acted alone makes no sense.  She took orders from Barack Obama.

When the cabal failed to prevent Donald Trump’s election, they started working to destroy his presidency.  That’s what we are witnessing now.  Robert Mueller’s investigation of the president is part of it, but it’s just the most visible part.  Behind the scenes, all sorts of things are being planned for us including protests like the March for Our Lives.

Everything is being orchestrated.  “Liberal progressives” own most colleges and public education.  They are using both to launch their attacks.  Ignorant young people are little more than cannon fodder to them.

Treason: “The crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.”

James Comey committed treason.  So have many others.  All of them should be in jail. If justice prevails, they will be in jail.

Law-abiding citizens are naïve.  They think that the laws we live by are applicable to everyone including “liberal progressives”.  Law-abiding citizens don’t realize that “liberal progressives” think no law applies to them if it threatens their world view.

The battle for the heart and soul of America is just getting started.  President Trump’s election and his promise to drain the swamp has the swamp creatures running scared.  Regrettably, one of those swamp rats is the attorney general.  There is no better way to explain why Jeff Sessions has failed to do his job.  He is protecting his own.

Jeff Sessions should be fired.  So should Rod Rosenstein.  He’s a swamp creature, too.

Alan Dershowitz has warned against trying to criminalize political activity, but “liberal progressives” aren’t engaged in normal political activity.  They are trying to steal our government by manipulating elections in an effort to make over our nation in their image.

After losing the election, they decided to use agencies of our government to destroy President Trump.  That’s not political activity.  That’s treason.  It’s similar to a military overthrow of government except it uses the Department of Justice instead of the Defense Department.

Dershowitz is a smart man, but he doesn’t see it.  I do.  Candidly, I can understand why he doesn’t see it.  It’s unfathomable to him that his “liberal progressive” friends and associates would commit treason.

Dershowitz can’t understand why the ACLU hasn’t protested Robert Muller using the FBI to take possession of documents belonging to President Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen.  If he understood what is taking place in our country, he would understand why the ACLU has been conspicuously silent.

The Congressional Midterm Election

The 2018 congressional midterm election won’t be normal.  It’s part of the battle for the heart and soul of America.  Don’t sit on your hands.  Get involved, and encourage your friends to do the same.

Take nothing for granted.  That’s what Hillary Clinton did, and she lost.  That’s why “liberal progressives” can barely stand her now.

Many more things like the March for Our Lives are heading our way.  Those staged events are nothing more than “liberal progressive” Democrat recruiting events that attract unpaid national media attention.

Sitting out this election or taking it lightly are not options.  That’s how to lose the gains we’ve made.







“The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.” (John 17: 22-24)

See “His Name is Yahweh”.

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