The Theory of Evolution Makes No Sense

This was the blog for June 28, 2009

According to the theory of evolution, life developed gradually over eons through natural selection and random occurrences.  The rate of change, says the theory, is so slow that it’s imperceptible.  That’s why it’s virtually impossible to engage evolutionists in a serious discussion based on facts.  They quickly point out that the rate of change is so sluggish that it can’t be detected empirically.  Stated another way, they can’t prove their theory.  Keep that in mind the next time an evolutionist tells you that you can’t prove the existence of God.

Try a Little Common Sense

Let’s assume that we’re hiking, and we find a piece of amber.  Embedded inside that translucent rock we see an ant.  As we stare at it in amazement, one of the kids asks, “How did that ant get trapped inside?” 

That’s a great question.  The theory of evolution would have us believe that the ant got stuck in sap from a tree, and over eons the sap turned into amber.  Part of that explanation makes sense.  After all, amber is tree sap that has hardened into rock, but we still don’t know how the ant got inside.  Think about what happens under normal conditions when an ant gets stuck in tree sap.  Over a short period of time, and I mean days at most, both the sap and the ant dissolve and turn into dust because they decompose very quickly.

For the ant to become embalmed in amber, several things had to happen simultaneously.  First, there had to be a gushing flow of sap from the tree instead of a slow oozing.  Second, so much sap had to pour out of the tree so quickly that the ant was completely engulfed in it.  Third, a thick layer of sediment had to cover the sap immediately to prevent air from getting to it.  Sealed under heavy sediment and not exposed to air, over time the amber turned into rock.

It takes tons of sediment to produce enough pressure to turn amber into rock, so I’m not talking about a normal event here, and I want to emphasize the speed at which these things had to have happened.  If there had been any delay in sealing off the air, both the ant and the sap would have decomposed.  If you doubt this, just think about how little time it takes for an animal carcass to disappear after it has been hit by a car.  Scavengers and the forces of nature take care of it in a matter of days.  Dead ants encounter a similar fate…under normal conditions.

The ant is forensic evidence that tells us there was a time on our planet when things didn’t change gradually.  That evidence raises serious questions about the theory of evolution we were taught in high school and college because catastrophic events can produce results in minutes, hours, and days that wouldn’t occur under normal conditions in millions of years.  In fact, catastrophe theory is becoming more and more popular each day because of the theory of evolution’s inability to explain simple things…like ants in amber.  Keep this in mind.  The theory of evolution is just that—theory.  It’s not fact.  In fact, it’s a fatally flawed theory.

Another Example: The Wooly Mammoth

Did you read about the wooly mammoth they found in Siberia?  It was flash frozen with its stomach full of undigested food.  For that to happen, something catastrophic had to occur.  If a wooly mammoth died under normal conditions, it would dissolve and turn into dust in short order—just like the ant and the animal carcasses.  The bones would disappear too unless they were covered quickly by a thick layer of sediment because rodents eat animal bones.  Keep that in mind the next time you see dinosaur fossils.  Those fossils are forensic evidence that the theory of evolution is full of holes.

It’s not surprising that most evolutionists are beginning to whistle a different tune.  Now they’re telling us that evolutionary change occurs rapidly in short bursts followed by long periods of virtually no change at all?  The real reason they’re changing their opinion is because they haven’t found a single shred of evidence that supports the theory of evolution as it’s presented in textbooks—by that I mean evolution from one specie to another, or what we refer to as macroevolution.  Within specie, we do find change or evolution, but that’s microevolution.  The theory of evolution that we read about in textbooks focuses primarily on macroevolution, and like I said, we haven’t found anything to support it…absolutely nothing.

The Theory of Evolution is a Way to Explain Life without a Creator God

Popular opinion and political momentum have taken precedence over serious science, and the education community has bought into the theory of evolution lock, stock, and barrel.  I think I can explain why it’s so difficult for educators to let go of the theory of evolution.  Many of them don’t believe in God, and the theory of evolution is a way to explain the origin of man without God.  If your world view doesn’t include God, you’ll look for any theory no matter how flawed it is to explain things so long as it doesn’t suggest God’s existence.

But serious scientists, I mean rare intellects, have problems explaining the universe without a Creator.  Take Albert Einstein for instance.  He believed in God, and he wasn’t a lightweight intellectual.  His study of the universe led him to conclude that “God does not play dice.”  The perfect order he observed was impossible to explain without a guiding force, and Einstein is not alone.  Dr. Paul Dirac from Cambridge University won the Nobel Prize in Physics.  He was one of the founders of the field in physics we call quantum mechanics.  He said, “It seems certain that there was a definite time of creation.”  Dr. Dirac’s research led to the discovery of the existence of antimatter.  He’s no slouch as an intellect either.  He’s not even in the same league as those school officials who refuse to adopt textbooks that even mention any other theory about origins except evolution.

There are many more examples.  Professor Sir Hermann Bondi was a mathematician and cosmologist, and he was a major contributor to general relativity.  His work on the theory of accretion of matter from a gas cloud into a black hole is foundational.  Clearly, Bondi was a world-class thinker.  He said, “As an erstwhile cosmologist, I speak with feeling of the fact that theories of the origin of the universe have been disproved by present day empirical evidence as have various theories of the origin of the solar system.”  That’s quite an indictment of our education system when you consider the fact that school systems across the country fight hard to keep this information out of textbooks because it points to the existence of a Creator God.

Professor Charles Guye is a pioneer in quantum mechanics.  He set out to determine the likelihood of one protein coming into existence the way evolutionists say.  I won’t bore you with intricate details about his analyses of enzymes, other proteins, and amino acids that had to come into existence spontaneously at the same time and then somehow come together in a single location on the planet for just one living cell to begin.  After completing his analysis, Professor Guye concluded that the odds of one protein beginning the way evolutionists suggest is 1 divided by 10321.  Since the simplest living cell has at least 239 proteins, the probability of life beginning in one living cell the way evolutionists say is smaller than 1 divided by 10137,915.  The denominator in that fraction, 10137,915, is larger than the number of molecules in the known universe.

This is a good way to think about the probability of life on earth evolving the way the theory of evolution suggests.  We mark one molecule in the entire universe, hide it somewhere, blindfold you, and tell you to find the marked molecule in one try.  According to Professor Guye, the probability that you’ll find that molecule blindfolded is greater than the probability that one living cell came into existence the way evolutionists claim.  In other words, it’s a mathematical impossibility.

Professor Harold Urey won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for demonstrating the existence of heavy water, and he was a contributor to the Manhattan Project.  He said, “All of us who study the origin of life find that the more we look into it, the more we feel that it is too complex to have evolved anywhere….We believe as an article of faith that life evolved from dead matter on this planet.  It is just that its complexity is so great, it is hard for us to imagine that it did.”  Professor Urey was absolutely correct.  It’s impossible to believe that life evolved from dead matter unless you live in a state of blissful ignorance about basic scientific and mathematical facts.

Another Example

Let’s assume that you walk out of your office and find a computer disc on the sidewalk.  The label on the disc says Microsoft Office.  If I told you that the disc evolved, that it came into being spontaneously by random occurrences, how would you prove to me that it couldn’t have happened that way?

The first thing you would probably do is point to the label and tell me that someone put it on the disc.  You’re right.  That label didn’t get there by chance or by random occurrences.  Next, you would put the disc in your computer and look at the computer codes on it.  Then you would tell me that the codes cause sophisticated programs (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) to work together seamlessly.  That is evidence of design by someone.  It couldn’t have happened by accident or by chance.  You would tell me that people sat down, figured things out, and wrote codes to make sure that certain things happen in specific ways.

Okay, here’s a question.  What is DNA?

DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid.  It’s a nucleic acid containing genetic instructions for life.  Plants, animals, and humans contain DNA genomes, and every person has different DNA.  How could DNA come into existence by chance when we know for a fact that the Microsoft Office disc couldn’t have come into existence by chance?  They both contain code; they both point to order, purpose, and function; and they both point to design by someone.  The complexity of the code on that Microsoft Office disc is of no consequence when compared to the complexity of DNA.

Who could have written the code we call DNA?  There’s only one logical answer: God.  People who reject the existence of God try to explain everything in the universe without any mention of Him, but everything points to God’s existence—including every cell in our bodies.

Many educators, although not all of them, would rather publish textbooks containing lies and teach theories that make no sense than admit that God exists.  Along a similar vein, many politicians and scientists can’t imagine a universe in which God is in charge of forces that are too powerful for man to influence even slightly.

The Theory of Evolution Violates the Laws of Physics

There are two basic laws of physics that we know are true: the First Law of Thermodynamics and the Second Law of Thermodynamics.  The first law is called the Law of Conservation of Energy.  It states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.  The second law is called the Law of Entropy.  It says that over time everything in the universe tends to disintegrate to a lower order of energy or organization.

Evolutionists tell us that we have mutated and that those mutations caused human beings to evolve from monkeys, for example.  Here’s the problem.  The Law of Entropy says that everything in the universe moves toward disorder—not order.  It also says that mutations go from higher forms to lower forms—not the reverse.  In other words, man did not descend from monkeys, fish didn’t walk out of the ocean, lizards didn’t decide to grow wings and fly, and on and on it goes.

The Big Bang

The big bang theory is foundational to the theory of evolution.  In simple terms, it contends that in the beginning there was nothing, and it exploded.  How can nothing become everything in the entire universe in an instant without the intervention of a Creator?

Did you know the Bible actually talks about 2 creations?  The first one is mentioned in Genesis 1: 1—“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”  The Hebrew word translated as “created” in Genesis 1: 1 is bara.  It means to fashion something out of nothing.

The second creation is known as the 7 days of creation.  It’s discussed in Genesis 1: 3 through Genesis 2: 3.  Genesis 2: 2-3 summarizes what happened—“By the seventh day God completed His work which he had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.  Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.”

In Genesis 2: 2, the phrase “had done” appears twice.  It is the English translation of the Hebrew word asahAsah means to remake something that already exists into something completely different.  In Genesis 2: 3, the Hebrew word bara is translated again as “created” and asah is translated as “made.”

Genesis 2: 4 puts an exclamation point on this interpretation—“This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created in the day that the LORD God (i.e., Yahweh Elohim) made earth and heaven.”  In Genesis 2: 4, the Hebrew word towledah is translated as “account.”  It means a literal historical record.  In this verse, bara is translated again as “created” and asah is translated again as “made.”  Clearly, the Bible talks about 2 creations.  Our lack of understanding stems from the fact that most people can’t read and understand Hebrew.

Now, think about this.  The creation talked about in Genesis 1: 1 preceded the 7 days of creation talked about in Genesis 1: 3 through Genesis 2: 3.  We don’t have any idea how many years separate the two creations.  Since God is infinite, that gap may have lasted for millions or even billions of years as we calculate time.  Maybe that’s why carbon dating shows a geologic age for the earth that appears at first glance to be inconsistent with the Bible’s perspective on that subject.

This is the bottom line.  For the big bang theory to be true, there must be a Creator, or it couldn’t have happened.  By the way, hard scientific evidence does point to a beginning of time as we know it when nothing became everything.  That’s the Genesis 1: 1 creation.  We call that seminal moment The Big Bang.  God made it happen.  Then later, probably much later as we reckon time, He refashioned what He made into life as we know it today.

There really is a God, and His Name is Yahweh.  Yahweh is our Redeemer and our Savior.  He’s also the Creator.  Nothing can change that fact.

© 2009 by Neil Snyder.  All rights reserved.

4 thoughts on “The Theory of Evolution Makes No Sense

  1. I studied the Theory of Evolution (or The Origin of Species) in university Zoology, and I went along with my professors so I could pass the course, but the whole thing seemed pretty shaky. What is the exact mechanism by which speciation occurs? At least two organisms, one male and one female, develop a mutation on the same gene, and this mutation causes a significant change in phenotype that yields an advantage in that environment. The organisms with the mutation find each other and mate, and produce an organism of a new species, which then has to find a mate itself, also of the new species, and produce offspring. And this can only be in one generation. There are not millions of years to do it. It’s got to be done at that time. Well how likely is that?
    And how did lions and elephants, which share the same environment, diverge from their common ancestor? The selection impetus couldn’t have been environmental when their environments where the same. Things like that buzzed around in my mind at the time, and have not stopped buzzing since.

    But evolutionists and biologists have got everyone to believe that, if you don’t accept Evolution, you’re just too stupid to merit a hearing. Try dissenting from Evolution and see what happens to your reputation for personal intelligence. It ain’t nice. Or fair.

  2. This article is really really interesting until you come to the part where “god did it”. Once you have decided that an invisible being in the sky (with no evidence for that) did it then you need to explain, well who made the creator? Science and religion don’t need to be at odds with each other. No one actually knows where we came from and that’s ok. We can work it out together. As long as we don’t let opinions get in the way, we can remain open minded enough to search for actual evidence and look for new theories. Lets work together, science and religion, united!

    Yours agnostically, Anonymous

  3. Your problem is that you don’t know Yahweh. If you knew Him, you would never say anything like that.

  4. I used to believe in God because I was taught so. I now know beyond all doubt that the existence of a creator is inevitable. The complexity of the universe is simply impossible without the “cause and effect of a creator “. One doesn’t even have to believe in the Bible to know that!

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