June 10, 2019 SnyderTalk—Those FISA Warrants are Serious Problems

“From the rising of the sun even to its setting, My Name will be great among the Gentiles,” says Yahweh Sabaoth.

(Malachi 1: 11)



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Those FISA Warrants are Serious Problems

Ah, those FISA warrants.  Everybody has heard about them.  Why are they so important?  Where will an investigation into their origin lead?

What is a FISA Warrant?

See “What is a FISA warrant?”.  It’s a short article that answers these questions succinctly:

  • What is the FISA Court?
  • When was this court established?
  • What is its mission?
  • How does it work?
  • Is there any other way to get surveillance warrant?
  • What rules must they follow?
  • Can the public see these warrants?
  • How many have been turned down?

FISA warrants are powerful and potentially dangerous weapons that we have permitted our government to use in cases involving people who are suspected of spying for a foreign government.  FISA warrants are not supposed to be used as political weapons.  FISA courts are supposed to make sure that never happens.

Requests for FISA warrants must come from federal law enforcement agencies, U.S. intelligence agencies, or the attorney general.  The government must show that the information to be collected is relevant to an investigation of foreign espionage or terrorism.

Since the FISA court’s dealings are secret and closed to the public, an 11-judge panel is supposed to guarantee that our constitutional protections are safeguarded.

FISA Warrants and Russia Collusion Charges Against Donald Trump

The Russia collusion charges against candidate Donald Trump were contained in the infamous Steele dossier.  It was a piece of political opposition research paid for by the Hillary campaign.

The charges in the Steele dossier were never verified.  The dossier was discredited long before it was used to obtain a FISA warrant against the Trump campaign.

See “The Table is Turning: Christopher Steele Should be Concerned”.

Who was involved in the FISA warrant process against Donald Trump?

FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, DNI James Clapper, AG Loretta Lynch, and acting AG Sally Yates are some of the people we know were involved in the FISA warrant process against President Trump.  Others who participated in the process include FBI higher-ups Andy McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr and his wife, Nellie.

Did the FISA warrant process reach into the White House?  It’s hard to imagine that it didn’t.

Did the FISA warrant process reach into the Oval Office?  Reports indicate that President Obama asked to be kept in the loop about the FISA warrant process.

See these articles:

The Mueller Investigation

The Mueller investigation was based on the bogus charges in the Steele dossier.  After more than 2 years of digging at a cost of about $40 million, no evidence was found linking anyone in the Trump campaign to Russia collusion.

The FISA warrant process was abused for political reasons.  See “The Excrement is About to Hit the Fan”.

Mueller’s investigation was overseen by Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein after AG Jeff Sessions recused himself.  Therefore, these questions must be answered:

  • What did Robert Mueller know about the FISA warrant process and when did he know it?
  • What did Rod Rosenstein know about the FISA warrant process and when did he know it?
  • What did Jeff Sessions know about the FISA warrant process and when did he know it?
  • What did FISA court judges know about the Steele dossier and when did they know it?

Democrats have Good Reasons to be Frantic

All the evidence points to FISA abuses by Democrats and their operatives in the Deep State.  Some of them, maybe all of them, are guilty of treason.  See these articles:

About Obstruction of Justice

Self-professed “liberal progressives” have made a lot of the fact that hundreds of former prosecutors think President Trump committed obstruction of justice.  See “426 FORMER PROSECUTORS (AND COUNTING!): TRUMP COMMITTED “MULTIPLE” FELONIES”.

“Liberal progressives” are notorious for parroting narratives.  They almost never do research to discover the facts.  They read headlines.  Once they have parroted a headline, they have exhausted their reservoir of information.

The person with the most complete information about the case, Robert Mueller, didn’t bring any charges against the president.  The person who oversaw Mueller’s investigation, Rob Rosenstein, didn’t bring any charges, either.  Neither did AG William Barr.  All of them examined the evidence.

Opinions of former prosecutors who never saw the evidence are just that: opinions.  No charges were brought against President Trump, because the people who know the most about the case and the evidence didn’t think they could prove obstruction of justice or any other charge in court beyond a reasonable doubt.

No one knows those things better than former prosecutors.  They are grandstanding.

As former President John Adams said, “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

The facts of this case don’t support obstruction of justice or any other charges.

Anyone can accuse anyone else of a crime.  Evidence is required to convict a person.

If there isn’t sufficient evidence to convict a person of a crime, he is innocent.  It’s commonly known as a “presumption of innocence”.

President Trump is innocent.

The Impeachment Craze

Democrats with Trump Derangement Syndrome are determined to impeach the president no matter what.  They don’t need evidence to feed their mania.  They are obsessed because Donald Trump did the unthinkable:

  • He defeated their sweetheart, Hillary Clinton.
  • He proceeded to do what he promised the American people he would do.

See “Trump Derangement Syndrome is Real”.

I hope Democrats in the House impeach the president.  If the do, they will seal their fate.

Senator Elizabeth Warren’s star is on the rise in the Democrat Party, because she is openly calling for impeachment of the president and every other thing demanded by radical, leftist socialists in her party.

Warren is a showboat and a proven liar.  I doubt she will win the Democrat nomination, but stranger things have happened.  I hope she wins the nomination.

The Horowitz and Durham Probes

DOJ IG Michael Horowitz and U.S. Attorney John “Bull” Durham are conducting investigations that will shed light on the origins of the FISA warrants.  Their findings will reveal facts about the motives of those involved in the FISA warrant process.

I believe Horowitz and Durham will find concrete evidence of an attempted coup d’état.  In other words, they will find evidence of treason.  If they do and the conspirators are convicted, I think they should get the death penalty.  We can’t allow this to happen again.







“The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.” (John 17: 22-24)

See “His Name is Yahweh”.

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