March 30, 2018 SnyderTalk—David Hogg: Poster Boy for the Hitler Youth?

“I am Yahweh.  I do not change.  I am why Jacob’s descendants are not destroyed.” (Malachi 3: 6)



David Hogg: Poster Boy for the Hitler Youth?

See “Parkland survivor David Hogg calls on advertisers to boycott Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show”.

Now, see “Fox News host apologizes for mocking Florida school shooting survivor as uproar grows”.

Finally, see “Companies pull ads from Fox’s Ingraham after her jab at Parkland student” and “Laura Ingraham apologizes, David Hogg says no thanks, and readers split on efficacy of advertiser boycotts”.

Laura Ingraham apologized for mocking David Hogg.  She had an economic incentive.  I don’t.  Keep reading.

From the advertisers’ perspective, the justification for pulling ads from Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show was that David Hogg is just a high school student.  Therefore, he shouldn’t be held to an adult standard.

That’s nonsense.  Hogg is playing an adult game, so adult standards should apply.

Hogg thrust himself into the limelight.  He’s there by choice, and he relishes the attention he’s getting.  I’ll give him some.

What is Hogg’s claim to fame? Exactly what did he do to earn the acclaim he’s receiving?

David Hogg is a student at a high school where 17 of his classmates were gunned down by a deranged former fellow student.  After the carnage, Hogg was chomping at the bit to say ridiculous things in front of cameras in safe locations. The more he said and the more violently he said it, the more attention he attracted.

Hogg loves the “f” word. He uses it a lot. Watch the video below:

Hogg wasn’t a hero. He didn’t try to save anyone. Other students did. Some of them were killed in the process. They really were heroes.

When he could have made a difference, Hogg was nowhere to be found.  He’s not a “survivor” in the literal sense.  He “survived” because he wasn’t in the battle.

The military has a word for that.  It’s not “hero”.

Real heroes are not bombastic blowhards.

Hogg is an attention-starved 17-year-old with an inflated ego. Laura Ingraham gave him some attention that he didn’t appreciate, and now he’s behaving like 2-year-old brat.  Ingraham recanted.  That was a mistake.  The companies that pulled their ads from Ingraham’s show made a mistake, too.  I will not do business with any of them again.  I suspect that a lot of people will do the same thing.

Hogg’s parents need to sit him down for a heart-to-heart discussion. He rushed to the scene of a battle after it was over and made himself out to be something that he isn’t. The establishment media is using him because he’s parroting their narrative. Other more intelligent students with a different narrative aren’t getting much attention.  They should be.

Hogg is part of an establishment media PR campaign. They will cut him loose as quickly as he isn’t useful.  When that day comes, the advertisers who withdrew their ads from Ingraham’s show will be back, but they will continue to suffer because of people like me who are angry about their foolish decisions.

The gist of Hogg’s message is that the Second Amendment to the Constitution should be repealed because he believes it should be. On the other hand, he rejects a proposal that students at his high school be required to use transparent backpacks because according to Hogg that would violate students’ First Amendment rights.

The irony of Hogg’s illogic doesn’t register with him. His caustic remarks in lieu of sound reasoning betray his lack of cognitive ability.  The colleges listed in the first article above that rejected Hogg’s applications for admission must have seen in him something that he doesn’t see in himself, limited intellectual capacity.  The colleges that accepted him are lesser schools.

The latest reports suggest that about 20% of Americans support Hogg’s position. 80% of us don’t.

Up to now, we’ve been hearing from the 20%. They have been haranguing us for weeks.  The 80% are just beginning to speak up.  When Hogg hears what we have to say, he won’t be in Hogg heaven.

Again, I think Hogg’s parents should intervene. He’s putting himself in great danger. He has nothing to fear from law-abiding citizens like me, but there are roughly 240,000,000 Americans who see Hogg as an ignorant, brash loudmouth.  I’ll bet that most of them see him as an unruly child whose parents failed to apply appropriate discipline.  They probably think that Hogg needs to be taught a lesson.  From their perspective, the fact that Hogg is a high school student is irrelevant.  Again, he’s playing an adult game, so adult rules should apply.

Some of the 80% are not law-abiding citizens. To them, Hogg’s overly aggressive personality is an invitation for an attack.  His interpersonal style is a magnet for wackos. As a former FBI agent, his father must know that. As I said, the father needs to sit down with his son and tell him about the facts of life.  I am positive that Hogg’s student status means nothing to wackos.

I have a hunch that the father has tried to reason with his son, but it didn’t work.  I think David Hogg is destined to self-destruct.  He is the point person for a frontal assault on the Second Amendment.  That’s serious, and it has nothing to do with Hogg’s age.  The issue matters too much to give anyone a free pass for any reason.

Look at the picture below. David Hogg could have been the poster boy for the Hitler Youth. To me, that’s uncanny.

I predict that very soon the establishment media will realize that Hogg was a mistake. When that day comes, Hogg will understand what it means to be alone and at risk.  I hope no harm comes to him, but Hogg seems to be determined to place himself in harm’s way.

You’ve heard of suicide by cop.  Have you ever heard of suicide by wacko?

Switching Gears Slightly

Since only about 20% of Americans support Hogg’s position, advertisers who pulled their ads from Laura Ingraham’s show have alienated 80% of the population to placate the remaining 20%.

Do the math.  Those companies will pay a high price for trying to be politically correct.  The 80% are sick of that kind of cowardice.

There will be consequences.  There should be consequences.







“The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.” (John 17: 22-24)

See “His Name is Yahweh”.

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