Isaiah 48: 6-8—“You have heard; look at all this. And you, will you not declare it? I proclaim to you new things from this time, even hidden things which you have not known. They are created now and not long ago; and before today you have not heard them, so that you will not say, ‘Behold, I knew them.’ You have not heard, you have not known. Even from long ago your ear has not been open, because I knew that you would deal very treacherously; and you have been called a rebel from birth.”

Shalu shalom Yerushalayim: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. (Psalm 122: 6)


“For here we are not afraid to follow the truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it.” (Thomas Jefferson)


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Scripture of the day:

Isaiah 48: 6-8—“You have heard; look at all this.  And you, will you not declare it?  I proclaim to you new things from this time, even hidden things which you have not known.  They are created now and not long ago; and before today you have not heard them, so that you will not say, ‘Behold, I knew them.’  You have not heard, you have not known.  Even from long ago your ear has not been open, because I knew that you would deal very treacherously; and you have been called a rebel from birth.”


“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4: 6)

News Items of Interest:







Israeli Uncensored News




“When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.” (Anonymous)


“When Benjamin Netanyahu began his second stint as Israel’s prime minister last spring, he appeared well positioned to negotiate a peace settlement with the Palestinian Authority. Just as U.S. President Richard Nixon’s hard line against communism allowed him to negotiate a détente with China, so too Netanyahu’s hawkish reputation seemed to give him cover to bargain for peace on the West Bank.”


“‘How do you feel with Ahmadinejad so nearby?’ a farmer from Moshav Avivim, on the Lebanese border, was asked, as if an actual Iranian nuclear bomb had been laid right next to the border. But it is not Ahmadinejad’s proximity that should worry the farmer, or the dramaturges that accompanied the spectacle. Because this visit evinced no new threat, no declaration that had not been heard before, no new revolution threatening to destroy Lebanon.”


“Results of a recent American Jewish Committee survey regarding American Jews’ opinions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the U.S. government leave little room for doubt: 95% of respondents felt the demand that Palestinians recognize Israel as the Jewish state in a final status agreement is justified. Over three-quarters of those surveyed believe the Arabs’ real objective is not the restoration of occupied territories, but rather the destruction of Israel.”


“The Jews of the Diaspora were frequently required to respond to the question of whether their loyalty lay with their country or with their fellow Jews. Were they Germans or Jews? Frenchmen or Jews?”


“Lately, it seems Israel is under fire from all directions and – even worse – providing some of the ammunition itself. Not only is it under attack from outside, the country is shooting itself at home. Fortunately, so far this shooting is figurative, but it is the time of year when we are reminded of what divisions can do. This week, the country marks the 15th anniversary of the Hebrew date of the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. Always an occasion for Left to bash Right, or secular to knock religious, this year it seems worse than ever. We have not learned much during the intervening decade and a half.”


“Matthew Gould says he hasn’t counted how many ambassadors Britain has appointed to the modern state of Israel, but estimates it ‘must be in the low teens.’ Of these envoys, he is likely one of the youngest – not yet having turned 40 – but far more intriguingly, he is certainly the first who is Jewish.”


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to Lebanon is no courtesy call. The Iranian president’s provocation sends manifold, highly noteworthy messages to multiple regional and international recipients. This isn’t a repeat of the shameful rhetoric exhibition that Teheran’s autocrat stages annually at the UN General Assembly. This trip is packed with immediate practical significance.”


“A comprehensive agreement will benefit the entire world. But unfortunately it is not easy to achieve, given the highly complex dynamics in the region and beyond.”


“There are two Mahmoud Ahmadinejads. One of them took a victory lap last week through southern Lebanon, where adoring crowds mobbed him as a symbol of resistance to the West. ‘The entire world should know the Zionists will disappear!’ he shouted to listeners at an organized rally, as hundreds of admirers screamed and cheered. Afifa Noureddin, a 19-year-old university student clutching a large yellow-and-green Hizbullah flag, said, ‘When I see him onstage, I feel like my heart will stop.’”


“The Netherlands is about to  be Europe’s great experiment: Can a center-right government manage an overblown welfare state, nationally suicidal multiculturalism, and virtually open-door immigration policies in a way that can maintain popular support and solve problems?”


“The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, has courted growing anti-immigrant opinion in Germany by claiming the country’s attempts to create a multicultural society have ‘utterly failed’.”


“The obituary from Angela Merkel for multiculturalism in Germany is at one with the temper of the times in Europe. From Scandinavia to the Mediterranean, the last few months have seen an increase in anti-immigrant, specifically anti-Muslim, policies and a backlash against ethnic minorities reflected in electoral breakthroughs for the far-right in the Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, France, and Italy.”


“The president and fellow Democrats have taken a page from the Republican playbook. They’re unabashedly using racial-solidarity politics to animate voters. In this case, the Democrats’ appeal is to black voters, the most unwavering portion of President Obama’s base, and the message is simple: The president is under attack, and black voters must mobilize to protect him.”


“As a person who spends her time immersed in the Middle Ages, I would ordinarily be the first to point out how irrelevant this pastime is to modern society. There is very little reason to tweet or blog about people who have been dead for 600 years. However, the recent revelation that large numbers of President Hamid Karzai‘s relations have taken over positions of power in Afghanistan has encouraged me to believe that, for once, my preoccupation might be pertinent. For some time now, it has been obvious to me that the political model that best illustrates the philosophy and practice of the Afghan government is a medieval court.”


“When the Democrats were poised to win the national elections two short years ago, the media took notice of all the hope wafting across America.”


“End tax breaks that reward some U.S. companies with overseas subsidiaries and encourage those businesses to create jobs in other countries, President Barack Obama is telling Congress.”


“If those who support the Cordoba center want to promote non-radical behavior and denounce radical Muslim behavior, why don’t they dedicate one or two floors in the Center to a permanent exhibit of the atrocities that radical Muslims have committed in the last fifteen years?”


“Two years ago, Barack Obama was the political equivalent of Elvis Presley – rolling into towns across America, performing before adoring crowds. Like the King, then-Sen. Obama relished the adoration and gave the crowd a great show. I saw it myself in New Hampshire.”


“Well, he’s back! In his ‘White House Diary’ Jimmy Carter engages in his latest attempt to burnish his historical reputation. His previous efforts, and there have been many, have earned him a dubious Nobel Peace Prize, but they have changed few minds here at home, because many Americans are old enough to remember him. Now, the ex-President begins his valedictory tour, something of a last hurrah, as it were, in the hopes of establishing a fraudulently positive historical legacy.”


“‘Drive around this city and take a look at the economic distress.  It’s tragic,’ Carly Fiorina suggests as we wrap up a sit-down interview in sleepy Fresno, California.  ‘It’s way too quiet here.’  She’s right.  Shuttered windows, closed down businesses, and chained-off, vacant lots litter the heart of Fresno’s downtown district, which stands as an enervated shell of its former bustling self.  The only storefront with any discernable foot traffic is a bail bonds joint next door to the Sheriff’s office, where Fiorina has come to accept the endorsement of the local law enforcement association.  The economic outlook is grim in today’s California Central Valley, but Fiorina says it won’t stay that way if she defeats Barbara Boxer this fall.”


“We now return to Barack Obama’s America – the election edition. It’s not the ‘bipartisan,’ ‘post-racial’ place he promised. Thanks to the left and their media flunkies, it’s Character Assassination Nation.”


“It would be something else again if a Western government were itself to convict a democratically elected leader for violating the Shariah ban on criticizing Islam. That’s not war anymore; that’s conquest.”


“On the face of it, the recent Church of England report into the faith of under-30s, so-called Generation Y, will worry believers.”



“There has been a lot of buzz lately about investors ‘shorting’ China’s overheated real estate market, basically betting that it will go down. I say that’s peanuts. There is a much more interesting shorting opportunity in China today. It is truly ‘The Big Short,’ and that is betting that China can’t continue to grow at this pace indefinitely by only permitting its people to have economic liberty without political liberty. I’m sure Goldman Sachs would write you a credit default swap on that, and the Chinese Communist Party would take the other side. Are you game? It seems that the Nobel Prize Committee is. I’d be, too.”


“The economy isn’t recovering fast enough. So what can the Federal Reserve do now? With short-term interest rates near zero, Ben Bernanke, the Fed’s chairman, said on Friday that he would have to use ‘nonconventional’ tools to spur growth.”


“The news of the past few weeks, especially on the economic front, has raised early warning signals about President Obama’s prospects for reelection.”


“The most rapidly growing religious category today is composed of those Americans who say they have no religious affiliation. While middle-aged and older Americans continue to embrace organized religion, rapidly increasing numbers of young people are rejecting it.”


“Can it be? Polls are showing black voters to be no less excited about the upcoming midterm elections than they were two years ago during the heyday of Obamamania.”


“Before the 2008 election, two former national security advisers recommended that the next president craft a foreign policy strategy to align the United States with a ‘global political awakening’ that was transforming the world.”


“While much of Washington was preoccupied Thursday evening by the contrast between the unacceptable and the profoundly uncomfortable – the first televised debate between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and the challenger for his Nevada seat, Sharron Angle – a different scene was unfolding in a hotel ballroom here.”


The Vatican should mind its own business.

A recent Israel Today article focused on the Pope opening a Vatican synod to discuss violence and intimidation aimed at Christians in the Middle East.  (See Vatican just can’t help bashing Israel.)  According to the article, the assembled Catholic leaders spent most of the day bashing Israel because of its new law requiring a loyalty oath for Israeli citizens.

I don’t want to get into the law itself.  That’s an issue for the Israelis to address.  I want to talk about the Vatican wasting time trying to interfere in the affairs of a sovereign nation.  The Vatican has enough affairs of its own to worry about—the pedophile priest variety.  I think they should mind their own business, and let the Israelis take care of theirs.  The Vatican has a long way to go before it has the moral standing to criticize others.

The Messiah said it this way: “Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?  Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ and behold, the log is in your own eye?  You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.” (Matthew 7: 3-5)


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If you haven’t been there already, you should take the opportunity to visit Natural Healthcare Store.  Each product selected for sale at Natural Healthcare Store undergoes rigorous research to make sure that it is the highest quality at an affordable price.

Natural Healthcare Store carries skin care, hair care, and oral care products.  Be sure to check out the Dead Sea products imported from Israel and support the Israeli economy with your purchases.  Natural Healthcare Store carries makeup, deodorant, and detoxification products.  It also carries supplements, weight loss products, and loose leaf tea.  Rounding out its product mix, Natural Healthcare Store carries natural household cleaning products.

Katie and I believe strongly in healthy living, and we use the products.  We’re proud to say that our daughter Melanie owns the store.










His Name is Yahweh:

There is a wealth of material available for free download on including the book His Name is YahwehHis Name is Yahweh is also available at Amazon on Kindle for just $5.  If you haven’t read His Name is Yahweh, you should.  The importance of Yahweh’s Name is becoming more apparent with each passing day.

Available on Amazon Kindle and it can be downloaded at