August 4, 2015 SnyderTalk: Obama strikes again

1--Intro Covering Israel and ME

“And it will come about in the last days that the mountain of the house of Yahweh will be established as the chief of the mountains. It will be raised above the hills, and the peoples will stream to it. Many nations will come and say, ‘Come and let us go up to the mountain of Yahweh and to the house of the God of Jacob, that He may teach us about His ways and that we may walk in His paths.’ For from Zion will go forth the law, even the word of Yahweh from Jerusalem.” Micah 4: 1-2


2--SnyderTalk Lead Headline for use


Caroline Glick—Obama strikes again:

Obama’s first hope was to reach a deal with his Iranian friends that would leave the Assad regime in place. But the Iranians blew him off.

While Israel and much of official Washington remain focused on the deal President Barack Obama just cut with the ayatollahs that gives them $150 billion and a guaranteed nuclear arsenal within a decade, Obama has already moved on – to Syria.

Obama’s first hope was to reach a deal with his Iranian friends that would leave the Assad regime in place. But the Iranians blew him off.

They know they don’t need a deal with Obama to secure their interests. Obama will continue to help them to maintain their power base in Syria though Hezbollah and the remains of the Assad regime without a deal.

Iran’s cold shoulder didn’t stop Obama. He moved on to his Sunni friend Turkish President Recep Erdogan.

Like the Iranians, since the war broke out, Erdogan has played a central role in transforming what started out as a local uprising into a regional conflict between Sunni and Shiite jihadists.

With Obama’s full support, by late 2012 Erdogan had built an opposition dominated by his totalitarian allies in the Muslim Brotherhood.

By mid-2013, Erdogan’s Muslim Brotherhood- led coalition was eclipsed by al-Qaida spinoffs. They also enjoyed Turkish support.

And when last summer ISIS supplanted al-Qaida as the dominant Sunni jihadist force in Syria, it did so with Erdogan’s full backing. For the past 18 months, Turkey has been ISIS’s logistical, political and economic base.


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SnyderTalk Comment: The cartoon below says it all.  Obama is pouring fuel on the fire in the Middle East and fanning the flames.  Actually, Obama ignited the fire in the first place.

0 ST Picture 1

See “Iran publishes book on how to outwit US and destroy Israel”.  You can’t say that they didn’t warn us.  Problem is we aren’t listening, or maybe we are listening and don’t care or don’t hear.

I think Obama knows what he’s doing, but for the most part, the American public is clueless.

Also, see “Former top brass to Netanyahu: Accept Iran accord as ‘done deal’“. The former military guys are right.  It is a done deal.  The unanimous U.N. Security Council vote sealed it.  Congress is just talking.

That’s what we get for electing Obama.  He’s a pizza chip.






13--Perspectives 2


Natan Sharansky: Jews stood up to the U.S. government 40 years ago, and should again on Iran— These days, like many Israelis and American Jews, I find myself in a precarious and painful situation. Those of us who believe that the nuclear agreement just signed between world powers and Iran is dangerously misguided are now compelled to criticize Israel’s best friend and ally, the government of the United States. In standing up for what we think is right, for both our people and the world, we find ourselves at odds with the power best able to protect us and promote stability. And instead of joining the hopeful chorus of those who believe peace is on the horizon, we must risk giving the impression that we somehow prefer war. As difficult as this situation is, however, it is not unprecedented. Jews have been here before, 40 years ago, at a historic juncture no less frightening or fateful than today’s. In the early 1970s, Republican President Richard Nixon inaugurated his policy of detente with the Soviet Union with an extremely ambitious aim: to end the Cold War by normalizing relations between the two superpowers.

Richard Rubin: High-flying Clintons earn €126.6m in just seven years—Their average federal tax rate during that eight-year period worked out at 31.6pc.—In 2014, with both Clintons on the paid-speech circuit and Hillary Clinton also on tour to sell her most recent memoir, the couple brought in more income than in any previous year: $27.9m (€25.4m).

SnyderTalk Comment: Folks, that more than $139,000,000.  Bill Clinton hasn’t been president since 2001.  Since he left office, he and his wife have pocketed much more money.

Bill and Hillary got everything they wanted most plus political power to boot.  Now they want to start all over again with Hillary in the White House.

Sam Kiley: Policy Blunders Cause Chaos In Middle East—The Middle East was once the cradle of civilisation. Today it’s the cauldron of conspiracy theories where locals believe they are victims of malevolent Magi driven by Machiavellian plots to shatter their peace and progress. The bad news, the news that nobody can bare to hear in the Levant, is that there is no conspiracy – not from the West and its allies anyway. The unprecedented unravelling of the region and its collapse into expanding violence comes from a series of never-ending blunders. Take for example the recent kidnapping of most of the Syrian rebel fighters who graduated from the American-run programme to build a moderate rebel army of at least 5,000. It is absurd enough that, according to The New York Times, they were sent into Syria with no guarantee that there would be air support if attacked by the regime forces of Bashar al Assad.

Mark Mellman: Understanding the Polls on the Iran Deal—How can Americans favor the Iran deal by 18 or 19 percentage points and oppose it by 8 or 10? The differences, I believe, come down mostly to the questions asked by the pollsters. If poll questions argue, in effect, that it’s a good deal, Americans tend to support it. When people are asked their opinion in an unbiased way that reflects their own understanding of the agreement, they oppose it. When Pew asked simply, “From what you know, do you approve or disapprove of this agreement?,” unaffected by a positive description of the deal, just 33% approve, while 45% disapprove. In short, every poll that finds support for the Iran agreement includes a question that explains why people should support it while casting no doubts. Every poll that offers a neutral description, or none at all, finds Americans opposed to the agreement. Moreover, every poll indicates Americans don’t believe this deal will work.

Norman Podhoretz: Israel’s Choice: Conventional War Now, or Nuclear War Later— Almost everyone who opposes the deal President Obama has struck with Iran hotly contests his relentless insistence that the only alternative to it is war. No, they claim, there is another alternative, and that is “a better deal.” To which Mr. Obama responds that Iran would never agree to the terms his critics imagine could be imposed. These terms would include the toughening rather than the lifting of sanctions; “anytime, anywhere” nuclear-plant inspections instead of the easily evaded ones to which he has agreed; the elimination rather than the freezing of Iran’s nuclear infrastructure; and the corresponding elimination of the “sunset” clause that leaves Iran free after 10 years to build as many nuclear weapons as it wishes. Since I too consider Mr. Obama’s deal a calamity, I would be happy to add my voice to the critical chorus. Indeed, I agree wholeheartedly with the critics that, far from “cutting off any pathway Iran could take to develop a nuclear weapon,” as he claims, the deal actually offers Tehran not one but two paths to acquiring the bomb. Iran can either cheat or simply wait for the sunset clause to kick in, while proceeding more or less legally to prepare for that glorious day. Unfortunately, however, I am unable to escape the conclusion that Mr. Obama is right when he dismisses as a nonstarter the kind of “better deal” his critics propose. Nor, given that the six other parties to the negotiations are eager to do business with Iran, could these stringent conditions be imposed if the U.S. were to walk away without a deal. The upshot is that if the objective remains preventing Iran from getting the bomb, the only way to do so is to bomb Iran.

Jonah Goldberg: Huckabee compared Obama to Adolf Hitler?— It’s been a hard time for politicians not named “Trump” to get any attention, but Mike Huckabee managed it. He did it by comparing Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler. At least that’s what I gathered from headlines like this one from Gawker: “Mike Huckabee Compares Obama to Hitler”. I don’t put huge amounts of stock in Gawker headlines (or really any headlines on the Internet), but then I saw that CNN’s Wolf Blitzer said Huckabee had “essentially likened [Barack Obama] to Adolf Hitler.”National Journal’s Ron Fournier went on a tear on Twitter, insisting that Huckabee apologize for comparing Obama to Hitler. And of course, Hillary Clinton and Obama himself denounced Huckabee for making a Hitler comparison. Clinton even said she was “really offended personally,” as if her feelings are what really matters. Here is what Huckabee said in full during an interview with Breitbart News.

MEMRI: Sheik Abu Abdallah at Al-Aqsa Mosque: “Islam Will Rule the Entire Earth”—Speaking at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem on July 6, 2015, Sheik Muhammad Abed, known as “Abu Abdallah,” said: “From here [Jerusalem], from the land of the Prophet’s nocturnal journey, armies will set out to conquer Rome, to conquer Constantinople once again, as well as its [modern] symbols, Washington and London. This is Allah’s promise to His Prophet: Islam will rule the entire Earth.”

SnyderTalk Comment: I’ll say this for them: they are giving it their best shot.  Will we let them?  Some will try—including Barack Obama.

Yahweh won’t allow it to happen, but that’s something that most people don’t consider.  If Yahweh’s perspective were taken into consideration by people who claim to love Him, the world would be a different place.

Max Boot: What the Syrian Weapons Charade Says about the Iran DealThe Wall Street Journal exposed how Syria failed to comply with its obligations under the agreement with the U.S. to get rid of all its chemical weapons. “One year after the West celebrated the removal of Syria’s arsenal as a foreign-policy success, U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that the regime didn’t give up all of the chemical weapons it was supposed to.” In reality, inspectors are at the mercy of their hosts who, after all, control the country and can prevent the inspectors from going where they are not wanted. In the real world, both the inspectors and the U.S. government are far more likely to overlook supposedly minor Iranian violations, while telling themselves that it’s for the greater good because being overly confrontational will destroy the entire agreement. And even if it’s caught, as Syria has been caught, what will happen? The Syrian example suggests the answer is: Nothing.

Yoni Hersch: Netanyahu: Assad and Nasrallah Are Celebrating Iran Nuclear Deal—”In recent days, [Syrian President] Assad and [Hizbullah leader] Nasrallah have been celebrating the billions of dollars that they know Iran will give to their terror machine thanks to the Vienna agreement,” Prime Minister Netanyahu said Monday, referring to the nuclear deal with Iran. “The agreement legitimizes both Iran’s effort to arm itself with nuclear weapons and the continuation of its aggression….It would be better for there to be no deal at all instead of a bad deal.”

Ronen Bergman—What Israeli Intelligence Learned about the Iran Talks:

  • On Nov. 26, 2013, three days after the signing of the interim agreement between the powers and Iran, the Iranian delegation returned home to report to their government. According to information obtained by Israeli intelligence, there was a sense of great satisfaction in Tehran then over the agreement and confidence that ultimately Iran would be able to persuade the West to accede to a final deal favorable to Iran.
  • The Iranian delegates told their superiors that “our most significant achievement” was America’s consent to the continued enrichment of uranium on Iranian territory – a complete about-face from America’s declared position prior to and during the talks.
  • In early 2013, Israel learned from intelligence sources in Iran that the U.S. held a secret dialogue with senior Iranian representatives in Muscat, Oman. Only toward the end of these talks did Israel receive an official report about them from the U.S. government. Shortly afterward, the CIA and NSA drastically curtailed cooperation with Israel on operations aimed at disrupting the Iranian nuclear project, operations that had racked up significant successes over the past decade.
  • Perusal of the intelligence material makes two conclusions fairly clear: The Western delegates gave up on almost every one of the critical issues they had themselves resolved not to give in on, and also that they had distinctly promised Israel they would not do so.
  • Israeli intelligence points to the Teba and Tesa plants in Iran’s military industry that are currently engaged in the development of new centrifuges: the IR6 and IR8. The new centrifuges will allow the Iranians to set up smaller enrichment facilities that are much more difficult to detect and that shorten the break-out time to a bomb.
  • President Obama said at the Saban Forum that Iran has no need for advanced centrifuges and his representatives promised Israel several times that further R&D on them would not be permitted. In the final agreement Iran is permitted to continue developing the advanced centrifuges.

Amir Taheri—The Ayatollah’s Plan for Israel and Palestine:

  • The book has received approval from Khamenei’s office and is thus the most authoritative document regarding his position on the issue.
  • Khamenei makes his position clear from the start: Israel has no right to exist as a state He claims his strategy for the destruction of Israel is not based on anti-Semitism, which he describes as a European phenomenon. His position is based on “well-established Islamic principles.”
  • According to Khamenei, Israel, which he labels an “enemy” and “foe,” is a special case for three reasons. The first is that it is a loyal “ally of the American Great Satan” and a key element in its “evil scheme” to dominate “the heartland of the Ummah.”
  • Khamenei describes Israel as “a cancerous tumor” whose elimination would mean that “the West’s hegemony and threats will be discredited” in the Middle East. In its place, he boasts,” the hegemony of Iran will be promoted.”
  • Khamenei’s tears for “the sufferings of Palestinian Muslims” are also unconvincing. To start with, not all Palestinians are Muslims. And, if it were only Muslim sufferers who deserved sympathy, why doesn’t he beat his chest about the Burmese Rohingya and the Chechens massacred and enchained by Vladimir Putin, not to mention Muslims daily killed by fellow-Muslims across the globe?
  • In the early days of his mission, the Prophet Muhammad toyed with the idea of making Jerusalem the focal point of prayers for Islam. He soon abandoned the idea and adopted his hometown of Mecca. For that reason, some classical Muslim writers refer to Jerusalem as “the discarded one,” like a first wife who is replaced by a new favorite. In the 11th century the Shiite Fatimid Caliph, Al-Hakim even ordered the destruction of Jerusalem.
  • Dozens of maps circulate in the Muslim world, showing the extent of Muslim territories lost to the infidel that must be recovered. These include large parts of Russia and Europe, almost a third of China, the whole of India and parts of the Philippines and Thailand.

Khaled Abu Toameh—Palestinians: A Rare Voice of Sanity:

  • While many in the international community and media hold Israel fully responsible for the plight of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, Dr. Abrash offers a completely different perspective.
  • Referring to widespread corruption under the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank, the former Palestinian minister reveals that Palestinian academic institutions, including universities and colleges, have become “commercial projects for granting certificates that have no scientific value or content.”
  • This is a voice that is rarely given a platform in mainstream media outlets in the West, whose journalists continue to focus almost entirely on stories that reflect negatively on Israel. Western journalists based in the Middle East tend to ignore Palestinians who are critical of the PA or Hamas, because such criticism does not fit the narrative according to which Israel is solely responsible for all the bad things that happen to the Palestinians.
  • Abrash’s criticism of Hamas and the PA — whom he openly holds responsible for the suffering of their people — actually reflects the widespread sentiment among Palestinians. Over the past few years, a growing number of Palestinians have come to realize that their leaders have failed them again and again and are now aware that both Hamas and the PA, as corrupt as ever, are hindering efforts to rebuild the Gaza Strip.

Denis MacEoin—Open Letter to the Archbishop of Westminster

  • With Islam, how it is possible to dialogue with a faith that denies the divinity of Christ, regards the Bible as corrupt, believes that all Christians are the inferiors of Muslims and are destined to hell fire? What is there to talk about if both sides are to be honest about their beliefs?
  • When members of ISIS murder apostates, it is hard to condemn them, as that is what the Prophet did. When they take slave girls as war booty, that is what the Prophet did. Waging jihad is an injunction in many chapters of the Qur’an.
  • I do not know what copy of the Qur’an Pope Francis has been shown, but it is clearly very different to any copy in my possession, whether the original Arabic or a translation.
  • When hate preachers in British mosques convey a violent or intolerant message to their congregants, they do so by quoting the Qur’an as the Word of God, thereby sanctioning acts of jihad. To ignore this is to hamper us in our efforts to bring Muslims into peaceful relations with the West, with all non-Muslims and especially with one another.
  • What was striking was that, instead of successive generations of Muslims becoming better integrated into British society, the younger they are, the more radical they become. Apparently the majority of Muslims do not feel particularly progressive.
  • Only 34% of British Muslims believe the Holocaust happened. 62% of Muslims here do not support freedom of speech. Only 7% of Muslims in the UK consider themselves as British first. CSP Poll this year reported that 38% of Muslim-Americans say Islamic State (ISIS) beliefs are Islamic or correct. Figures such these are indicative of a wider level of acceptance of extreme ideas than your comments and those of many politicians suggest.

Clifford D. May: Defeating Mortal Enemies—A potentially pivotal diplomatic battle has been fought and, in my estimation, decisively won by Iran’s rulers. Its outcome is an agreement guaranteed to greatly enrich those rulers and, within a relatively short span of time, allow them to acquire more and better weapons, not excluding nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them to targets anywhere in the world. At the same time, American leaders repeatedly proclaim that America has become “war-weary.”  That can only be music to the ears of all those who declare America an “enemy of God” and who, on that basis, proclaim themselves enemies of America.

Zack Gold: Sinai Militancy and the Threat to International Forces—The Sinai-basedjihadi group Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis pledged allegiance to the Islamic State in November 2014. A serious concern for the international community is that the IS Sinai affiliate may attack the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO), the 12-nation international force that oversees the 1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty. On June 9, 2015, IS fired mortars at al-Gura Airport, adjacent to the MFO’s North Camp base. IS has labeled the MFO as “crusader forces” protecting Israel. Perhaps the main reason IS has not targeted the MFO in a major attack is the importance of the force to the local Bedouin economy. The MFO’s payroll for Bedouin and other local staff amounts to roughly $1 million, while it makes an additional contribution of almost $2 million to the local economy through its relationships with local contractors.

Soeren Kern—Police Warn of No-Go Zones in Germany

  • “There are districts where immigrant gangs are taking over entire metro trains for themselves. Native residents and business people are being intimidated and silenced… The reasons for this: the high rate of unemployment, the lack of job prospects for immigrants without qualifications for the German labor market and ethnic tensions among migrants.” — Der Spiegel.
  • “Every police commissioner and interior minister will deny it. But of course we know where we can go with the police car….[O]ur colleagues can no longer feel safe there in twos, and have to fear becoming the victim of a crime themselves. We know that these areas exist. Even worse: in these areas, crimes no longer result in charges. They are left to themselves. Only in the worst cases do we in the police learn anything about it. The power of the state is completely out of the picture.” — Bernhard Witthaut, Chief Police Commissioner of Germany.
  • “The gangs traffic in heroin and cocaine, run brothels or are active in the contraband smuggling business. The brutality with which they carry out their activities has made them very powerful, the police are afraid of them. The state is passive with respect to these clans, the politicians ignore the phenomenon… This negligence has, over the years, enabled the emergence of a criminal parallel society. This would not have happened if the authorities had acted early and decisively.” — Der Spiegel.
  • “When I say that steps must be taken to ensure immigrants comply with rules and regulations, I’m immediately branded as a far right extremist. But order is exactly what is needed.” — Volker Mosblech, Duisburg City Councilman.

Jeremiah Bailey-Hoover and Patrick J. McDonnell: Turkey Steps Up Bombing of Kurds, Not Islamic State—Turkish war planes on Wednesday unleashed some of the heaviest bombing to date on Kurdish rebel strongholds in Turkey and Iraq, striking half a dozen targets linked to the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK. Last week, Ankara announced with great fanfare that it was joining the U.S.-led international coalition against the Islamic State. But Turkey has focused its firepower since then not on the Islamic extremists but on the PKK, whose allied forces have been at the vanguard of the fight against the Islamic State. Turkey’s push for a “safe zone” in northern Syria in cooperation with the U.S. is designed to thwart Kurdish militia fighters from extending their control of the Syrian side of Turkey’s southern border, Selahattin Demirtas, leader of the Kurdish-oriented People’s Democratic Party, told the BBC. “Turkey doesn’t intend to target IS with this safe zone. The safe zone is intended to stop the Kurds, not IS.”

Dennis Ross: How to Make Iran Keep its Word—No agreement that permits the Iranians after fifteen years to produce highly enriched uranium (HEU) and build as large a nuclear infrastructure as they want should leave us feeling comfortable. That vulnerability could be addressed if our focus became one of deterring the Iranians from cheating. President Obama emphasizes that the agreement is based on verification, not trust. But our catching Iran cheating is less important than the price they know they will pay if we catch them. Deterrence needs to apply not just for the life of the deal. It becomes even more important afterwards, because Iran will be a threshold nuclear state and potentially capable of confronting the world with a nuclear weapons fait accompli. The Iranians must believe that a move toward weapons once they are a threshold state will trigger the use of force against them – anything less is unlikely to deter them. It is not enough to say all options are on the table. It is essential to say we will not permit Iran to become a nuclear weapon state and that if the agreement designed to prevent it fails to do so, we will act militarily to destroy the Iranian nuclear infrastructure. President Obama should declare that he would regard producing highly enriched uranium as a trigger for the use of force and is confident that his successors will as well. Congress could then adopt legislation endorsing this position.

Michael Doran: Is the White House Seeking to Contain Iran?—The nuclear deal with Iran is a wildly lopsided agreement. Whereas Iran received permanent concessions, the U.S. and its partners managed only to buy a little time. When Obama’s critics suggest that the White House has been taken in, they tacitly assume that the president shares their goal of containing and rolling back Iran – an enemy power bent on ousting the U.S. from the Middle East and vanquishing America’s allies, Israel and Saudi Arabia foremost among them. But he does not see Iran that way at all. In Obama’s eyes, the nuclear deal is a means to the larger end of a strategic partnership in the Middle East. In fact, the White House has consistently displayed an aversion to countering Iran, based on the conviction that, thanks to U.S. diplomacy, Iran will voluntarily come to place limits on its own ambitions. The deal has permanently ceded diplomatic leverage to Iran and nullified vigorous containment as a serious option.

Ido Aharoni: The Problem: Iran’s Underlying Motives—The Iran nuclear deal does not prevent Iran over time from threatening America and her allies with nuclear war. It does not permanently prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons. But its most significant problem is that it does nothing to address, much less curb, Iran’s expansionist, anti-Israel, anti-American motivations. Every security expert will tell you that in order for your enemy to succeed, he has to have the desire, capabilities, and opportunity to attack. While the Iran deal might temporarily delay the capabilities and opportunity, it does nothing about the most important element: the very nature of the regime. The mullahs’ goals are Islamic rule and regional domination. Allowing the Iranian regime to walk away with a huge diplomatic achievement will further undermine those fighting for freedom and democracy in Iran – and cement the hostile strategies of the current rulers. The leaders of Iran have openly declared that they have no intention of stopping their war against the Western world. They have no intention to stop their brutal violation of human rights. They have no intention to stop the incitement against America and other free and open societies.

Tim Ross, David Barrett, Colin Freeman in Calais and Robert Mendick: Calais crisis: ‘This is a global migration crisis’—The British and French governments have warned that the world is facing a “global migration crisis”. In a dramatic joint intervention, Theresa May, the Home Secretary, and her French counterpart, Bernard Cazeneuve, call on countries across Europe and Africa to help solve the emergency caused by thousands of migrants congregating at their border. Writing in the Telegraph, they warn would-be immigrants planning to make the “desperate” journey in search of a better life that Britain’s streets “are not paved with gold”. As a first step to make Britain less attractive, the Home Office announced plans to cut the weekly cash allowances that support thousands of failed asylum seekers with families. The announcement came as figures showed the number of suspected illegal migrants detained in Britain has soared by almost a fifth since the Calais crisis erupted.

SnyderTalk Comment: The “migration crisis” may or may not have been engineered by Islamists, but you can bet your bottom dollar that Islamists are taking full advantage of it.

The point is that there is more trouble on the way, and this is just the beginning.

When you think it can’t get any worse, it will.

I’m not pessimistic.  I’m realistic.






9--Jerusalem Post


Ayatollah publishes book calling to wipe out Israel, give Iran full reign in the Middle East

SnyderTalk Comment: He’s not kidding.

Protests against homophobia and Jewish ‘terror’ take place throughout Israel

Analysis: We must crush Jewish terrorism

SnyderTalk Comment: I wonder what Yahweh’s take on this issue is.  I’ll bet the political class in Israel today would be very surprised.

Right-wing politicians to LGBT activists: Tolerance has to go both ways

SnyderTalk Comment: For far too many people in Israel today, “right-wing” is a surrogate for nutjob.  It shouldn’t be, but it is.

Ya’alon: Put far right suspects under administrative detention

SnyderTalk Comment: Ya’alon is speaking for whom?

ISIS conned by Chechen women in internet recruitment scam

Netanyahu: Zero tolerance for terrorism and hate crimes

Two rockets fall near Israel-Gaza border fence

The expulsion of Baghdad’s Jews and the unraveling of the Middle East

Watch: Massive brush fire in Jerusalem suburbs leads to evacuation of 700 residents

Police investigating threats against President Rivlin

Abbas orders PA security forces to prevent revenge attacks

On the brink of change: The risks of being a Gazan peace activist






10--Arutz Sheva


‘Rivlin Didn’t Speak Out for My Murdered Baby’

Joint Israeli-Palestinian Prayers to be Held for Arson Victims

Lod: Arab Man Fabricates Attack by ‘Extremist Jews’

Iran Nuclear Chief: Vienna Text ‘Not an Agreement, or Treaty’

Talking to Liberals About Iran Is a Perilous Art Form

SnyderTalk Comment: You can say that again.  Actually, it’s more than “perilous”.

It’s like trying to teach a pig to dance.  Pigs can’t dance, and trying to teach them just makes them angry.

The World Feels Vindicated if Jews Harm Arab Children

Haredi man awarded NIS 70k over rock attack

PM: Fight Against Terror ‘A Matter of Humanity’

Shaked: Jewish Terrorism Worse than Arab Terrorism

SnyderTalk Comment: She’s right because Jewish people represent Yahweh.  They should have a higher standard.

The time to send the message was during Operation Protective Edge, but they stopped short of finishing the job.

Shaked and Hotovely would make a great pair to run Israel.

‘You Can’t Call for Tolerance But Then Be Violent’

Rivlin Turns to Israel Police Over Death Threats

Islamists Clash with Police on Temple Mount

Gaza Terrorists Fire Two Rockets at Israel

Jailed Arab Tries to Burn Down Prison Synagogue

Al Qaeda Video Shows Captured US-Trained Rebels

Official: Senate Cannot Review IAEA Agreement

SnyderTalk Comment: That’s ridiculous.  The Senate can review it and it will review it.

What Obama will do in response is the real story.

Key Syrian Anti-Regime Group Quits Opposition Bloc








Tensions soar after Palestinian baby killed in West Bank arson attack

PA vows to crack down on ‘war criminal’ settlers

Herzog: Time for Israel to treat Jewish terrorists like their Islamist brothers

Israeli condemnation ‘not enough,’ say US Jewish groups, after baby killed

EU urges Israel to show ‘zero tolerance’ for settler violence

Jordan pans ‘ugly’ arson attack, holds Israel responsible

After baby killed in arson, Hamas urges lone-wolf attacks on Israelis

Alleged Jewish terrorists help the Islamists achieve their goals

‘Blasphemous’ parade warrants ‘extreme’ action, said Schlissel before attack

After pride parade stabbing, Zionist Union MK comes out

Obama in call to arms: Stop big money from quashing nuke deal

Iran says it will ban US experts from UN nuclear inspections

Israeli diplomat: Don’t count on US Jews to unify against Iran deal

When Hitler Youth summered near Long Island

Iran FM urges ‘nuclear’ Israel, other states to disarm

Obama’s Iran outreach makes inroads among Democrats in Congress






12a--Other News 2


Obama’s 50 ‘moderates’ trained in $500 million program to fight the Islamic State have disappeared in Syria

Anti-Semitic Incidents in Britain Up 50 Percent

Abortion Supporters Get Help From Courts in Video Fight

SnyderTalk Comment: This is what our country has become, and they did it while we were sleeping.  Far too many Americans are still in a deep state of slumber.

This is perverted beyond imagining, or it used to be.

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Hamas Threatens Terror Attacks, ‘Day of Rage’ After Killing of Palestinian Toddler

Palestinian Cleric: Our Main War Is with the U.S. and Europe

Calais migrant crisis: Quieter night at Eurotunnel site

Despite parade stabbing, Israel is a beacon of gay rights

SnyderTalk Comment: “Beacon of gay rights” is not the way Yahweh sees Israel, the Promised Land, and Jerusalem, His holy city.  To draw that conclusion, you must be totally ignorant about Yahweh and His holiness.

Gay Palestinians in Israel highlight of new film

Pro-Israel Lobby Accepts White House Briefing — On Its Own Terms

More than 20,000 French Jews Have Moved to Israel in Past Five Years

Canadian Terrorists Wanted to Kill Jewish Children

Audio message: Taliban deny peace efforts with Afghanistan

US to Sell TOW Missiles to Lebanon

India-Israel co-developed missile to be test fired

Keep on fighting, new Taliban leader says

US, Egypt resume formal security talks with Kerry visit

Pilot questions bin Laden plane crash claiming ‘something doesn’t make sense’

Coca-Cola infographic: The Horrible effect of the coke is described

SnyderTalk Comment: “It’s a testament to the wonders of advertising that a liquid that can clean your toilet, unstick gum, and fade your disastrous dye jobs away has become so ubiquitous as a beverage that we’re collectively drinking 1.8 billion bottles of the stuff every day.”

I have nothing to add.  Well, maybe I have one thing to say.  Coke tastes good with cheese and peanut butter crackers during a round of golf.  Okay, a little Coke won’t kill you.

New study says regular cups of coffee cuts the risks of Alzheimer’s disease

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12b--TRIC for use


Some 260 PKK members killed in Turkey airstrikes: report

Two soldiers killed, 31 wounded in PKK suicide attack in east Turkey

Alexander Litvinenko: Inquiry finds ‘irrefutable’ evidence men linked to Putin behind agent’s death

‘World highly aware of Israel crimes’

SnyderTalk Comment: PressTV is connected with the Iranian government.

Iran Ceases Financial Aid to Hamas in Gaza, Official Claims

Report: Top French Official Wants Congress to Vote Down Iran Deal

Obama Facing Tougher than Expected Fight to Sustain Iran Deal

Iran Deal Fuels ‘World’s Leading Exponent of Anti-Jewish Racism’

Israel Foreign Ministry: Sunni Arab Nations Are “Allies”

Hizbullah Chief Warns Arab States Against Fostering Ties with Israel

Admiral Stavridis: “You Can Drive a Truck Through” Holes in Iran Deal

New York Democrat Slams Iran Deal

Israel: U.S. Not Sharing Iran Deal Details

Report: Israeli Strike in Syria Said to Target Notorious Terrorist

Senior Western official: Links between Turkey and the Islamic State are now ‘undeniable’

SnyderTalk Comment: It’s been “undeniable” since Erdogan took national office more than 10 years ago.  People pretended not to notice, and then came Obama.

What Turkey Wants in Syria

Iraqi Kurds urge PKK to quit region as air strikes bite

Syria: Al Qaeda-led religious court executes 10 in Aleppo

Yemen crisis: Exiled PM Khaled Bahah, officials return to Aden to lead restoration

Russia develops 7-ton universal armored robotic platform

China: Searching for a new equilibrium



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I have created an email distribution list that I use to notify people when I post a new SnyderTalk.  If you would like to be on that list, send your email address to, and put “add me to your distribution list” in the subject line.  If you know others who are interested in SnyderTalk content, tell them to send me their email address, and I’ll put them on the list.


4--Scripture of the Day Yahweh

Exodus 17

1 Then all the congregation of the sons of Israel journeyed by stages from the wilderness of Sin, according to the command of Yahweh, and camped at Rephidim, and there was no water for the people to drink. 2 Therefore the people quarreled with Moses and said, “Give us water that we may drink.” And Moses said to them, “Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you test Yahweh?” 3 But the people thirsted there for water; and they grumbled against Moses and said, “Why, now, have you brought us up from Egypt, to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst?” 4 So Moses cried out to Yahweh, saying, “What shall I do to this people? A little more and they will stone me.” 5 Then Yahweh said to Moses, “Pass before the people and take with you some of the elders of Israel; and take in your hand your staff with which you struck the Nile, and go. 6 Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock at Horeb; and you shall strike the rock, and water will come out of it, that the people may drink.” And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel. 7 He named the place Massah and Meribah because of the quarrel of the sons of Israel, and because they tested Yahweh, saying, “Is Yahweh among us, or not?”

SnyderTalk Comment: Read His Name is Yahweh.


5--HNIY Print form 2

His Name is Yahweh explains why the Name of God, Yahweh, is so important.  It’s available in eBook format and in paperback.  It’s also available for free in PDF format.

  • God also said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘Yahweh, the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.’ This [Yahweh] is my name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation.” (Exodus 3: 15)
  • “Therefore behold, I am going to make them know—this time I will make them know My power and My might; and they shall know that My name is Yahweh.” (Jeremiah 16: 21)
  • “Behold, the days are coming,” declares Yahweh, “when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch; and He will reign as king and act wisely and do justice and righteousness in the land. In His days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely; and this is His name by which He will be called, ‘Yahweh our righteousness.’” (Jeremiah 23: 5-6)
  • Yeshua said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.” (John 8: 58)


6--His Name is Yahweh Audio Presentation 5


Do we all worship the same god?

Click here to download the entire audio presentation for free and with no strings attached.  Share it as often as you want.



14--Blessings from Revelation 2

Blessings in the Book of Revelation is a book that you need to read, especially now.  There are blessings throughout the Scriptures but Revelation is the only book in the Bible actually containing a specific blessing for reading it. It’s repeated twice, once at the beginning and again at the end. This is the reason that I believe Revelation should be the first step toward studying biblical prophecy. Though not easy to do, Revelation can be broken down and understood by anyone, not just the academic elite. So, Revelation’s blessings are for everyone.  Click here to order the eBook.  Click here to order the paperback.


Other Books by Neil Snyder

  • Stand! is a suspense novel that exposes the lies, corruption, and greed underlying the theory that man-made CO2 emissions are responsible for global warming. Professor Wes Carlyle and Karen Sterling, his research collaborator, carefully scan the audience for their would-be attacker—a member of the enviro-gestapo who has been following them for days.  Wes spots his man in the back of the room leaning against the wall.  Suddenly, another man in the audience steps forward and moves toward Karen at a menacing pace.  With a vicious stroke, he swings a billy club at her head.  Click here to order the eBook.  Click here to order the paperback.
  • What Will You Do with the Rest of Your Life? deals with a question that every Christian has to consider: what should I do with my life? Click here to order the eBook.  Click here to order the paperback.
  • Falsely Accused is a true story about a young woman who was accused of committing a double homicide. It’s about a travesty of justice, and it reveals Yahweh intervening in the life of a believer to rescue her from danger in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.  Everyone will enjoy the book, but young people in particular need to read it because the mistakes made that led to the problem could have been avoided.  They were the kinds of mistakes that young people are prone to make.  As they say, forewarned is forearmed.  Click here to order the eBook.  Click here to order the paperback.

15--Concentric Circles 5

See “His Name is Yahweh”.

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