October 30, 2014 SnyderTalk: It’s time to beat the Jew-haters

1--Intro Covering Israel and ME

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: may they prosper who love you.” Psalm 122: 6


2--SnyderTalk Lead Headline for use


Caroline Glick—It’s time to beat the Jew-haters:

The decision by the most prestigious opera house in America to produce an opera that mainstreams Jew-hatred and anti-Jewish terrorism is a great victory for elitist anti-Semitism. In the world of elite anti-Semitism, Jews are told that truth is but a narrative. Jewish history and rights have no more merit – indeed less merit – than the lies of Jew-haters. And if Jews dare to object to the propagation of lies against them, they open themselves to the easy accusation that they seek to stifle free speech.

The goal of elitist anti-Semitism is to erode the right of Jews to have and promote Jewish rights and interests. This is done by demonizing those who defend Jewish rights and advance Jewish interests, while elevating and romanticizing the lives and largely false narratives of those who seek to destroy Israel.

The Met’s singular contribution to the cause of elitist anti-Semitism is the prestige its production of “The Death of Klinghoffer” confers on the cause.

Another dam has been breached. Another safe zone has become a no-go zone.

On the other hand, at the end of the day, as bad as elitist anti-Semitism is, over the past decade or so, American Jews have developed tools to deal with it.

In the weeks that preceded the opera’s opening last Monday night, much – although not all – of the Jewish community in New York was able to unify in opposing it. Politicians and luminaries joined with more than a thousand protesters on opening night to express their revulsion at the opera.

And the Met has already paid a price for its elevation of anti-Semitism to high art.

Far from living up to its reputation as a leader in the arts, on Monday, due to the massive protest against the production, the Met lost its artistic credibility. The crowd that gave the opera a standing ovation didn’t do so because they had just experienced a musical masterpiece. They stood and cheered because they were happy the Met elevated murderous, Jew-hating terrorists, whom they support.


To continue reading, click here.

SnyderTalk Comment: Anti-Semitism is an insidious and pernicious problem.  Violent acts of anti-Semitism take place all over the world on a daily basis and attract very little media attention.  Subtle forms of anti-Semitism are far more frequent, and they attract no attention at all.

Jewish people are under attack for one reason: they are Yahweh’s chosen people.  He selected them to take His message about salvation/deliverance, love, and forgiveness to the world.  He came a as Jew to die in our place so that we can live.

As I told my Jewish friends in Israel this summer, if Yahweh has a problem with Jewish people or with Israel, they are His problem, not mine.  I will support and defend them because I know that Yahweh expects me to, and I would never be so foolish as to take sides against Yahweh.

Yahweh’s enemy wants to destroy Jews in particular and their Jewish homeland—Israel.  It is their possession by Divine decree.  Nothing can change it.  Those who try to change it will suffer the consequences.






13--Perspectives 2


Guy Bechor: Why is Kerry singling out Israel?— Like a regular mantra, US Secretary of State John Kerry has a habit of saying that the Israeli-Palestinian issue cannot remain unchanged. Strangely enough, he isn’t saying that about the conflict in Syria, where the death toll has already crossed the 200,000 mark with people being slaughtered, beheaded and dying in different ways, on its way to the 250,000 mark; he isn’t saying that about four million refugees from Syria and 10 million displaced people; he isn’t saying that about the Islamic State, which is beheading people and butchering minorities; he isn’t saying that about Iraq, which has been torn into pieces, or about Baghdad’s airport which is about to fall into the hands of jihadist terror.

Denis MacEoin: How Likely Is Deradicalization?— Will radical Muslims line up to be deprogrammed and end up teaching kindergarten or devising a twelve-step program for their younger siblings? Since the start of deradicalization programs, the number of radicalized Muslims has risen. Why is there no Muslim Peace Movement campaigning for an end to violence in Muslim countries? Why do Muslims — and others — take to the streets to condemn democratic Israel, yet never march to protest Hamas’s use of Palestinians as human shields, or the violence of al-Qaeda, Boko Haram or any other jihadi group? Why not be angry at the way violent Muslims drag the image of non-violent Muslims in the mud? Many Muslims, however, complain about “Islamophobia” while ignoring the primary causes of hostility to themselves. Muslims are trapped, because the Qur’an and the ahadith, which make up the holy writ, all condone or command jihad and hatred for non-believers, and they do so abundantly. Yet commentators and politicians still wonder where the fighters of the Islamic State or the killers of Theo van Gogh get their inspiration. A young man who sees the world through such a lens will easily turn to this to justify his desire to wage jihad. It is still risky for anyone one in any Muslim country to call for a new approach to the most sacred texts.

Rukmini Callimachi: The Horror Before the Beheadings— The hostages were taken out of their cell one by one. In a private room, their captors asked each of them three intimate questions, a standard technique used to obtain proof that a prisoner is still alive in a kidnapping negotiation. James Foley returned to the cell he shared with nearly two dozen other Western hostages and collapsed in tears of joy. The questions his kidnappers had asked were so personal (“Who cried at your brother’s wedding?” “Who was the captain of your high school soccer team?”) that he knew they were finally in touch with his family.

Guy Bechor: Why is Kerry singling out Israel?— Like a regular mantra, US Secretary of State John Kerry has a habit of saying that the Israeli-Palestinian issue cannot remain unchanged. Strangely enough, he isn’t saying that about the conflict in Syria, where the death toll has already crossed the 200,000 mark with people being slaughtered, beheaded and dying in different ways, on its way to the 250,000 mark; he isn’t saying that about four million refugees from Syria and 10 million displaced people; he isn’t saying that about the Islamic State, which is beheading people and butchering minorities; he isn’t saying that about Iraq, which has been torn into pieces, or about Baghdad’s airport which is about to fall into the hands of jihadist terror. He isn’t saying that about Libya either, a country controlled by a coalition of insane jihad organizations, on the verge of Europe. He isn’t saying that about Yemen, which has died and is controlled by wild tribes navigated from behind the scenes by the “smiling” Iran; he isn’t saying that about the intolerable uranium enrichment in Tehran, which has him and the West wrapped around its little finger.

William Pollack: Obama’s Foreign Policy is ‘Hope’less—Discovering gold nuggets in them hills with a pickax is easier than understanding President Obama’s foreign policy. Future left-wing historians may try to spit-shine the Obama legacy, but his policies have been destructive, costly, and irreparable. Anticipation of what Obama will do over his remaining two years is creating lots of fear in the hearts of Americans. Then again, there may be hope; “hope” that we are all comatose and soon will wake up from this bad dream.

Lally Weymouth of the Washington Post interviews Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon Will Israeli Territorial Concessions Bring Peace?Q: Secretary Kerry recently said the lack of resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian issue is leading to street anger and recruitment for the Islamic State. Ya’alon: Unfortunately, we find the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is dominated by too many misconceptions. We don’t find any linkage between the uprising in Tunisia, the revolution in Egypt, the sectarian conflict in Iraq and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Mainly, these come from the Sunni-Shia conflict, without any connection to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The core of the conflict is their reluctance to recognize our right to exist as a nation state of the Jewish people – whether it is Abu Mazen [Abbas] or his predecessor Arafat. There are many who believe that just having some territorial concessions will conclude it. But I don’t think this is right. Q: Will territorial concessions bring peace? Ya’alon: No, they would be another stage of the Palestinian conflict, as we experienced in the Gaza Strip. We disengaged from the Gaza Strip to address their territorial grievances. They went on attacking us. The conflict is about the existence of the Jewish state and not about the creation of the Palestinian one. Any territory that was delivered to them after Oslo became a safe haven for terrorists. Bearing that in mind, to conclude that after the [recent] military operation in Gaza this is a time for another withdrawal from Judea and Samaria [the West Bank] is irrational.

Soeren Kern: Germany: Silencing the Critics of Munich’s Mega-Mosque— A court in Bavaria, the largest state in Germany, has reaffirmed that it is lawful for the government to spy on citizens who are opposed to the construction of a controversial mega-mosque in Munich. The ruling effectively quashes a lawsuit filed by anti-mosque activists who argue that state surveillance is an intimidation tactic aimed at silencing public opposition to the mosque. The ruling comes just days after another court in Bavaria ordered a leading anti-mosque campaigner to pay a hefty fine for “defaming” Islam after he repeatedly warned that Islam is incompatible with democracy. Meanwhile, Munich city officials have announced that a public referendum on the mosque—now known as the Munich Forum for Islam—will not be allowed to take place, even though anti-mosque activists have gathered twice the number of signatures needed to allow local citizens to determine if the mosque should be built.

Jessica Chasmar: Georgia man ordered to remove NRA hat before voting—A Georgia man is upset after he went for early voting on Friday and was ordered to remove his National Rifle Association hat before he was allowed to vote. Bundy Cobb, who is certified by the National Rifle Association in firearms training, wears his “NRA Instructor” hat everywhere he goes, partly to promote his business, True Aim Defense, The Daily Caller reported. But last week he was told he couldn’t wear the hat while voting because it is supposedly too closely associated with the Republican Party.

Kate Brannen: Children of the Caliphate— They stand in the front row at public beheadings and crucifixions held in Raqqa, the Islamic State’s stronghold in Syria. They’re used for blood transfusions when Islamic State fighters are injured. They are paid to inform on people who are disloyal or speak out against the Islamic State. They are trained to become suicide bombers. They are children as young as 6 years old, and they are being transformed into the Islamic State’s soldiers of the future. The Islamic State has put in place a far-reaching and well-organized system for recruiting children, indoctrinating them with the group’s extremist beliefs, and then teaching them rudimentary fighting skills. The militants are preparing for a long war against the West, and hope the young warriors being trained today will still be fighting years from now.

Steven Emerson, John Rossomando and Dave Yonkman: Qatar’s Insidious Influence on the Brookings Institution— The Brookings Institution bills itself as “the most influential, most quoted and most trusted think tank in the world,” but should it be? Brookings’ long-term relationship with the Qatari government – a notorious supporter of terror in the Middle East – casts a dark cloud over such a lofty claim to credibility. A September New York Times exposé revealed Qatar’s status as the single largest foreign donor to the Brookings Institution. Qatar gave Brookings $14.8 million in 2013, $100,000 in 2012 and $2.9 million in 2011. In 2002, Qatar started subsidizing the Brookings outreach program to the Muslim World which continues today. Between 2002 and 2010, Brookings never disclosed the annual amount of funds provided by the Government of Qatar. Sources of funding should not automatically discredit an organization, but critical facts and claims about Brookings should be examined in light of them, starting with a harsh indictment by a former scholar.




SnyderTalk Comment: Things like this happen all the time.  Don’t believe people who want you think that Islam is a peaceful religion.  It’s not.

Typical Muslims may be peaceful, but radical Muslims actually follow the teachings of the Quran.

Typical Muslims aren’t radical and they represent the majority of Muslims, but the minority of Muslims who are radical amount to more than 300,000,000 people.  All of them are potential jihadists.

Typical Muslims are like typical Christians.  They were born into a Muslim family and they go through the motions, but they don’t really adhere to the Muslim faith.  If you are a Christian, that should be very familiar to you.



9--Jerusalem Post


US says Israeli housing action ‘incompatible’ with peace

Netanyahu: I’m being attacked because of my determination to defend Israel’s interests

Fed up, US warns: ‘Deeply concerned about Israel’s future’

US denounces Netanyahu insults as ‘counterproductive’

Former Israeli envoy to US says personal animus between premier, president never this bad

Senior Obama administration official reportedly calls Netanyahu chickens**t

SnyderTalk Comment: “The thing about Bibi is, he’s a chickenshit.”  “The good thing about Netanyahu is that he’s scared to launch wars,” the official said.

Only a naïve, pompous, ignorant, idiot would make a statement like that.

There is at least one thing that every American should know about Israel, her people, and her leaders: all of them understand from personal experience what it means to be surrounded by enemies who have committed their lives to destroying them and their country.  Even so, the Israeli people find time to cure diseases, make the desert bloom, and live happy lives.

Very few people in the United States can even imagine what that’s like.  It’s so foreign to them that they are utterly clueless.  They go from one safe location to another inside a relatively safe country thinking that they know everything, but they know almost nothing.

They quote Gandhi, for instance, to show that they are erudite, but everything they know about India and Gandhi and Hindus could be written on the back of a business card with plenty of room to spare.  They have never been to India; they will never go there; and they don’t even want to go there.  Still, they have firm convictions that they confuse with the truth.  Their motto should be “I think it and that makes it so.”

The same is true for Israel.  Typical Americans don’t know anything about the country or the people.  Many of them would have a hard time finding Israel on a map, and they couldn’t come close to naming the countries with which Israel has contiguous borders.  They don’t know the difference between Hamas and Fatah; they don’t know anything about the Muslim Brotherhood except the name; and they don’t know what Yahweh said about Israel and her enemies.

I’m finally ready to admit it: I’m hoping for change.

US-Israel tensions confirmed, with some exceptions, after Goldberg report

Gaza Functions as Logistic Hub for Sinai Jihadis

Defense Minister: A bus with 20 Arabs and only a few Jews is a guaranteed terror attack

Hamas civil servants finally receive wages from Palestinian unity government



10--Arutz Sheva


Leading Likud MK Blasts Obama’s ‘Chutzpah’

SnyderTalk Comment: “Chutzpah” means shameless audacity and impudence.  That’s true, but it’s not strong enough.  Obama’s and his team’s behavior toward Israel has been and is reprehensible.

I am thankful for one thing, though.  I am delighted that those Christian friends of mine who claim to be “in the know” can stop telling me that everything is fine between Obama and Netanyahu.  When they told me that, repeatedly I should add, I was shocked.  I thought that they must not read anything.  Well, it turns out that I was right.  They are off-the-wall.

Simon Wiesenthal Center Founder: Obama Should Apologize

Netanyahu: Israel Facing an Attack on its Right to Exist

Entire High School Class [in Germany] Under Investigation for Neo-Nazism

Knesset Vote Set on Controversial Conversion Bill

IDF Northern Commander: ‘Hezbollah Likely Has Terror Tunnels’

Top 10% Make 8.5% More Than Bottom 10%, Numbers Show

Students: Impose Rent Controls, or We’ll Strike

Report: Russian Hackers Break into White House Computers

Syria: 30 Soldiers Killed in ISIS Attack at Homs Gas Plant




Iranian video simulating a nuclear attack on Israel





US anger at Netanyahu said ‘red-hot’ as ties hit new low

Obama and Netanyahu: A fractured alliance becomes open conflict

UN Security Council to meet on Jerusalem tensions

New EU foreign policy chief’s first destination: Israel

PM says personal attacks will not deter him from defending state

Relations with US top priority, Rivlin says amid reports of crisis

Lapid balks at funding settlements, halting high-level meet

Israel denies barring Palestinians from buses

An Iran deal in which both sides can claim victory

What’s wrong with Netanyahu’s coalition?



12--Other News


Obama Administration Refuses to Condemn Palestinian Terrorist Who Tried to Murder Israelis

Amid jihad murders in Canada, USA Today says Christian “religious extremism” is “primary threat to homeland security”

Ottawa Police Services Reach Out to Islamist Groups After Attack

U.S. Expresses Condolences to Family of Slain Palestinian Firebomber

Turkish Opposition MHP Asks for Normalization in Relations with Israel

German Intelligence: Islamic State Has Anti-Aircraft Weapons

New York’s Met Museum Honors Qatari Royal at Private Bash as Questions Over Qatar’s Terrorism Financing Persist

Israel’s Ambassador Dermer: ‘It’s a Disgrace to Call Abbas ‘a Man of Peace’

Court Slaps $300K Fine on Israeli Bedouin Over Viral Facebook Video of Sheikh Dancing at Jewish Wedding

Foundation Run by Kerry’s Wife Funds Anti-Israel Eatery

SnyderTalk Comment:  This shouldn’t surprise you.






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I have created an email distribution list that I use to notify people when I post a new SnyderTalk.  If you would like to be on that list, send your email address to nhsny@yahoo.com, and put “add me to your distribution list” in the subject line.  If you know others who are interested in SnyderTalk content, tell them to send me their email address, and I’ll put them on the list.


4--Scripture of the Day Yahweh

Genesis 36: 1-5

1 Now these are the records of the generations of Esau (that is, Edom). 2 Esau took his wives from the daughters of Canaan: Adah the daughter of Elon the Hittite, and Oholibamah the daughter of Anah and the granddaughter of Zibeon the Hivite; 3 also Basemath, Ishmael’s daughter, the sister of Nebaioth. 4 Adah bore Eliphaz to Esau, and Basemath bore Reuel, 5 and Oholibamah bore Jeush and Jalam and Korah. These are the sons of Esau who were born to him in the land of Canaan.

SnyderTalk Comment: Read His Name is Yahweh.


5--HNIY Print form 3

His Name is Yahweh explains why the Name of God, Yahweh, is so important.  It’s available in eBook format and in paperback.  It’s also available for free in PDF format.

  • God also said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘Yahweh, the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.’ This [Yahweh] is my name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation.” (Exodus 3: 15)
  • “Therefore behold, I am going to make them know—this time I will make them know My power and My might; and they shall know that My name is Yahweh.” (Jeremiah 16: 21)
  • “Behold, the days are coming,” declares Yahweh, “when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch; and He will reign as king and act wisely and do justice and righteousness in the land. In His days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely; and this is His name by which He will be called, ‘Yahweh our righteousness.’” (Jeremiah 23: 5-6)
  • Yeshua said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.” (John 8: 58)


6--His Name is Yahweh Audio Presentation 5


Yahweh is the Name of God Forever

Click here to download the entire audio presentation for free and with no strings attached.  Share it as often as you want.



14--Blessings from Revelation 2

Blessings in the Book of Revelation is a book that you need to read, especially now.  There are blessings throughout the Scriptures but Revelation is the only book in the Bible actually containing a specific blessing for reading it. It’s repeated twice, once at the beginning and again at the end. This is the reason that I believe Revelation should be the first step toward studying biblical prophecy. Though not easy to do, Revelation can be broken down and understood by anyone, not just the academic elite. So, Revelation’s blessings are for everyone.  Click here to order the eBook.  Click here to order the paperback.


Other Books by Neil Snyder

  • Stand! is a suspense novel that exposes the lies, corruption, and greed underlying the theory that man-made CO2 emissions are responsible for global warming. Professor Wes Carlyle and Karen Sterling, his research collaborator, carefully scan the audience for their would-be attacker—a member of the enviro-gestapo who has been following them for days.  Wes spots his man in the back of the room leaning against the wall.  Suddenly, another man in the audience steps forward and moves toward Karen at a menacing pace.  With a vicious stroke, he swings a billy club at her head.  Click here to order the eBook.  Click here to order the paperback.
  • What Will You Do with the Rest of Your Life? deals with a question that every Christian has to consider: what should I do with my life? Click here to order the eBook.  Click here to order the paperback.
  • Falsely Accused is a true story about a young woman who was accused of committing a double homicide. It’s about a travesty of justice, and it reveals Yahweh intervening in the life of a believer to rescue her from danger in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.  Everyone will enjoy the book, but young people in particular need to read it because the mistakes made that led to the problem could have been avoided.  They were the kinds of mistakes that young people are prone to make.  As they say, forewarned is forearmed.  Click here to order the eBook.  Click here to order the paperback.

15--Concentric Circles 5

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