Logic and probability rule out more than one Messiah. So does Yahweh’s Word.

Messiah Presented to Crowd 2

Although I can’t be absolutely certain, I think the Messiah was presented to the crowd at this location.  It’s just outside the Old City wall.  They yelled, “Crucify Him.”

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Today’s Feature

There Can Be Only One Messiah

Grant Jeffrey, an author and scholar, came up with a very conservative estimate of the probability that anyone in the history of the world could have fulfilled the prophecies in the Bible about the Messiah by chance.  Below are the prophecies Jeffrey used along with his educated guesses about the probability of each one occurring by chance:

Estimate 1: He will be born in Bethlehem and descend from Judah (Micah 5: 2 and Genesis 49: 10); probability: 1 in 2,400.

Estimate 2: A messenger will precede the Messiah’s coming (Isaiah 40: 3 and Malachi 3: 1); probability: 1 in 20.

Estimate 3: He will enter Jerusalem riding on a donkey (Zechariah 9: 9); probability; 1 in 50.

Estimate 4: He will be betrayed by a friend (Psalm 41: 9); probability: 1 in 10.

Estimate 5: His hands and feet will be pierced (Psalm 22: 16); probability: 1 in 100.

Estimate 6: His enemies will wound Him (Isaiah: 54: 5); probability: 1 in 10.

Estimate 7: His betrayer will receive 30 pieces of silver for betraying Him (Zechariah 11: 12); probability: 1 in 50.

Estimate 8: He will be spit upon and beaten (Isaiah 50: 6); probability: 1 in 10.

Estimate 9: The money for His betrayal will be thrown into the Temple and used to buy a potter’s field (Zechariah 11: 13); probability: 1 in 200.

Estimate 10: He will be silent before His accusers (Isaiah 53: 7); probability: 1 in 100.

Estimate 11: He will die with thieves (Isaiah 53: 9); probability: 1 in 100.

Estimate 12: People will gamble for His garments (Psalm 22: 18); probability: 1 in 100.

Estimate 13: His side will be pierced (Zechariah 12: 10); probability: 1 in 100.

Estimate 14: None of His bones will be broken (Psalm 34: 20); probability: 1 in 20.

Estimate 15: His body will not decay (Psalm 16: 10); probability: 1 in 10,000.

Estimate 16: He will be buried in a rich man’s tomb (Isaiah 53: 9); probability: 1 in 100.

Estimate 17: Darkness will cover the earth at His death (Amos 8: 9); probability: 1 in 1000.

Using Jeffrey’s estimates, the probability of these 17 prophecies occurring by chance is 1 divided by 480,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.  Stated another way, it’s 1 divided by (5 trillion times 96 trillion).

How likely are those odds?  The answer is mindboggling.  Here’s a way to think about it.  That many dollar bills would fill the entire state of Texas several feet high.  And by the way, there are hundreds of Messianic prophecies in the Bible, not just 17.  Therefore, logic and probability rule out more than one Messiah.  So does Yahweh’s Word.


It’s about time the GOP did something substantial to choke the life out of ACORN.  Folks, that’s government money, our money, they’re spending.  We’ve been footing the bill for their corrupt practices long enough.  Even the president is distancing himself from ACORN, and I respect him for it even though he waited until they were being smeared by the mainstream media before taking action.  At least he’s astute enough to realize that you can’t lead this nation while cozying up to a radical, leftwing organization with the kind of baggage ACORN carries.

Even so, there’s still big trouble on the Potomac River.  The FBI director was unaware of the countless accusations swirling around ACORN.  What planet does he inhabit?  It’s not as though Fox News is the only source for information on ACORN.  NPR has run stories on ACORN.  I think it’s impossible for any legitimate news organization not to realize that something fishy is going on at ACORN, even though it caught Charles Gibson and the ABC news hounds totally by surprise.  You may not know this, but in the early days the people at NBC and CBS referred to ABC as the Almost Broadcasting Company.  The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Here’s a question for FBI director Mueller.  Where are you getting your intelligence?  If something that big is happening in plain sight and you don’t know about it, well Mr. Mueller, it’s obvious that you need to look into shortcomings in your own organization.

FBI Director Robert Muller

FBI Director Robert Mueller

Today’s Events Shaping Our World

Spinning Globe

U.S. and Western Hemisphere

Jimmy Carter 2

Mr. Carter, your friends in the Democrat Party have left you dangling on this one.  That should tell you something.  Are you getting the message?

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift and Kanye West

Israel and Middle East

“On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen; all day and all night they will never keep silent.  You who remind Yahweh, take no rest for yourselves; and give Him no rest until He establishes and makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.”

Isaiah 62: 6-7


Monument outside Caiaphas’ house marking the spot where Peter was asked, “Do you know the Man?”

I wonder if Mr. Assad remembers the Camp David meeting in 2000.  Israel bent over backwards to secure a peace treaty, and what did they get.  According to Bill Clinton, Yasser Arafat refused to agree.  He went home, orchestrated a brouhaha on the Temple Mount with Ariel Sharon, and declared an Intifada.  That wasn’t Israel’s fault, and it’s not Israel’s fault that Assad’s buddy from Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is calling for Israel’s destruction.  Mr. Assad is being disingenuous at best.  At worst, he’s just plain ignorant.

Ahmadinejad and Assad

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Bashar al-Assad

Here’s a question for you.  If a nation, any nation, was firing rockets at us, what do you think we would do?  If you believe we would retaliate, then why would you blame Israel for taking steps to defend herself?  That’s a flagrant example of the double standard the world imposes where Israel is concerned.  It’s time to put an end to that hypocrisy.


These are the very steps the Messiah walked as He was being led to Caiaphas’ house for His trial before the Sanhedrin.

China, Russia, India, and Asia-Pacific

Chinese Fashion Models

Chinese Fashion Models

Europe and Africa

untouched originals 178

Sunset over the Sinai with the Red Sea in the foreground.

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  • 51,254 hits— June 24 through July 31, 2009
  • 59,814 hits— August 2009; 2009 total—111,068

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2 thoughts on “Logic and probability rule out more than one Messiah. So does Yahweh’s Word.

  1. The FACT that the BIBLE ITSELF also names Cyrus the Great, as one of OTHER MESSIAHS, makes one wonder how logic and reason can be contorted so much as to make a claim such as this lol.
    I wonder, why do Christians love to praise this book, while they tend to disagree with what it says 😉
    I mean, how is SATAN the creator of EVIL, when Isaiah 45:7 says GOD created it?, for example

  2. You don’t understand the Messiah or how He is presented in the Bible. You should read His Name is Yahweh.

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