March 11, 2020 SnyderTalk—5 Big Takeaways from Yesterday’s Voting

“Trust Yahweh with all your heart, and don’t lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3: 5-6



5 Big Takeaways from Yesterday’s Voting

Takeaway #1: Democrats have Successfully Shoved Bernie Sanders Out, Again

Bernie backers made a terrible choice.  It’s easy to understand why they like Bernie Sanders.  He promised them everything under the sun for free, and he expects nothing from them in return.

What do you expect?  Sanders is a communist.

Bernie brought in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib to help him woo young voters, and he lost big time.  Sanders must not be astute enough to understand that those three people disgust ordinary Americans.

AOC is smart, articulate, and attractive.  She has influence over young people who are like her, but in the House of Representatives, AOC is seen as a loudmouthed buffoon who is out of control.  She has influence over no one in the House except other members of the Squad.

AOC is a perfect example of what is wrong with millennials.  She has never done anything, but she thinks the rest of us owe her everything. She is the personification of the entitlement mentality.  AOC and Bernie Sanders are a match made in heaven.

Omar and Tlaib don’t have enough sense to understand how offensive they are to normal people.  Their influence in Congress is zilch, and people who are attracted to them leave a lot to be desired.  Seeing Bernie Sanders on stage with Omar and Tlaib holding hands is all decent Americans need to see.

The young people who support Sanders are violent and undisciplined.  They will show up in Milwaukee in July expecting to be heard and taken seriously.  That won’t happen, so they will throw a temper tantrum.  They need a spanking.  In Milwaukee, they will get one.

Sanders won’t win the Democrat nomination, but the people who support him are the future of the Democrat Party. Make no mistake.  A vote for a Democrat now is a vote for people like AOC, Omar, and Talib in the future.  The Democrat Party reached the tipping point a long time ago.  That’s why its losing support from its traditional bases of support.

In the video below, Hillary Clinton told the truth about Bernie.  I’ll leave it at that.

Takeaway #2: Joe Biden will be the Democrat Nominee

Joe Biden spent his entire professional life in the Senate, and he accomplished nothing of significance.  Saying “I supported” and “I voted” are not the same thing as saying “I accomplished”.

Biden has never done anything substantive, and as Bob Gates, Obama’s secretary of defense, famously said, “He’s a man of integrity, incapable of hiding what he really thinks, and one of those rare people you know you could turn to for help in a personal crisis. Still, I think he’s been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

When Biden was given the opportunity to show what he could do in Ukraine and China, he couldn’t resist the opportunity to put his hands in the cookie jar.  Biden’s corruption in those two countries will be exposed for the world to see before the November election.

Saying that Biden is corrupt is not a political talking point.  It’s a verifiable fact. Ordinary Americans aren’t stupid. They will see Biden for the crook he is.

I feel sorry for Joe Biden.  He is literally losing his mind.  It’s as plain as day, and it’s not his fault.  That happens to a lot of people his age.

That’s not a political talking point, either.  I see it.  Bernie backers see it.  I’m positive that every Democrat higher-up sees it, too, so why are they supporting Biden?

The answer to that question is scary.  Democrat higher-ups support Joe Biden because he is their best hope for success in 2020.

Takeaway #3: President Trump will Win Big in November

Democrats threw everything they had a President Trump trying to destroy his presidency, and they failed miserably.  From the Mueller investigation of fake Russia collusion charges to impeachment in the House and the impeachment trial in the Senate based on phony evidence, Democrats destroyed their own credibility.

While they attacked the president 24/7/365, he proceeded to accomplish more in 3 years than Obama and Bush (W) together accomplished in 16 years.  President Trump got stronger with each passing day.

President Trump won’t be on the debate stage with Joe Biden just making promises.  He will spend most of his time talking about the things he has actually done to improve the lives of American people.  Of course, he’ll make promises, too, and we’ve learned this about President Trump: If he makes a promise, he keeps it.

Joe Biden will be playing defense most of the time trying to explain things that make no sense.  For example, why was Hunter Biden with him on official visits to Ukraine and China, and is it just coincidence that Hunter came home from those trips with millions of dollars in his pocket?  Joe Biden really is corrupt.

To be sure, Joe will make lots of promises about what he will do if he is elected, but talk is cheap.  Talk is all Joe has ever done, and he hasn’t delivered on anything. When he was given the chance to deliver, Joe cheated.

Sending Joe Biden into the ring with Donald Trump will be embarrassing for Biden and for Democrats.  Again, it scares me to think that Joe Biden is the best that Democrats have to offer the American people.

Takeaway #4: There will be a Mass Exodus from the Democrat Party following the 2020 Election

If Democrats hope to remain viable as a political party in the future, they will have to abandon the far-left crazies who control the Democrat Party today.  But the crazies aren’t going away.  They have to decide if they want to form a third party, or if they want to take over the Democrat Party completely.

Third parties don’t work.  The crazies know that, so they will take control of the Democrat Party.  That will leave decent people who call themselves “Democrats” no choice except to leave the party. The process has started already.  The process will pick up a head of steam after the 2020 election.

Takeaway #5: There will be Violence

We are witnessing a seismic shift in politics.  Changes this big don’t take place without violence.  The far-left crazies in the Democrat Party will reveal who they really are, and the American people will not like what they see.

Law and order will become big issues during President Trump’s second term.  It’s long overdue.

CNN Got it all Wrong

The people at CNN have a different interpretation of yesterday’s results.  See “5 takeaways as Biden takes command of Democratic race on Super Tuesday II.”

In November, you will see that I am right and CNN is wrong.  The people at CNN are an embarrassment to journalism.

As I said, talk is cheap.  The people at CNN are all talk all the time, and the truth is not in them.




“The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.” (John 17: 22-24)

See “His Name is Yahweh”.

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