November 1, 2018 SnyderTalk: Democrats are Race Baiting Scaremongers

“From the rising of the sun even to its setting, My Name will be great among the Gentiles,” says Yahweh Sabaoth.

(Malachi 1: 11)



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Democrats are Race Baiting Scaremongers

This CNN article was just published: “Trump shocks with racist new ad days before midterms”:

In the most racially charged national political ad in 30 years, President Donald Trump and the Republican Party accuse Democrats of plotting to help people they depict as Central American invaders overrun the nation with cop killers.

The new spot, tweeted by the President five days before the midterm elections, is the most extreme step yet in the most inflammatory closing argument of any campaign in recent memory.

The Trump campaign ad is the latest example of the President’s willingness to lie and fear-monger in order to tear at racial and societal divides; to embrace demagoguery to bolster his own political power and the cause of the Republican midterm campaign.

“Analysis”.  What analysis?

The folks at CNN call that analysis, but it’s pure hogwash.  There isn’t a shred of truth in it.

The caravan of “mostly women and children” moving through Mexico toward our southern border is made up mostly of young, military-age men.  See the picture below:

Many of the young men who are marching toward our southern border are carrying the flags of the countries they are “fleeing”.  People who are seeking asylum in the U.S. don’t carry their country’s flag.  That’s called an invasion.  See the picture below:

Occasionally, the young men in the caravan stop long enough to burn an American flag on which they have painted swastikas, and they chant “Fuck Trump”.  Who told them to parrot Democrat talking points?  I assure you that it wasn’t Donald Trump.  See the picture below:

Democrats are Racists and Worse

With the midterm elections just days away, Democrats are doing what they do best: lying through their teeth, figuring out how to commit voter fraud without leaving fingerprints, slinging slurs, and race baiting.

Democrat slogans are simple and easy to remember: he’s a racist, a misogynist, a homophobe, an Islamophobe, or whatever.

To be sure, there are racists among us, but disagreeing with immoral, irresponsible Dumb Asses isn’t racist.  (Don’t blame me. I didn’t create the Democrat mascot.)

President Trump is doing what we elected him to do.  There isn’t a racist bone in his body.

President Trump promised to protect our borders, and he’s doing it.  Democrats have tried to block every move the president has made.  They haven’t been able to stop him, but they have slowed him down and put our country and the lives of our citizens at risk.

Democrats should be punished at the polls for that.

I used to be a Democrat.  I know why Democrats repeat the same simple slogans year after year after year. The typical Democrat voter isn’t very smart or well-informed.  That’s why Democrat leaders teach their followers to parrot simple words—things like racist, misogynist, homophobe, and Islamophobe.

If you want to see something funny, ask a young Democrat who is chanting “he’s a misogynist” to explain what a misogynist is.  She won’t have a clue.  Click here to watch a funny video.

A Few Facts

Fact 1:

Democrats want open borders.  76% of Americans disagree with them.  Democrats want open borders because they are losing political support.  They think that importing militants from Central America will help them increase their political strength.

Fact 2:

Known criminals are traveling with the caravan in hopes of entering our country and plying their trade in the U.S.  Some of them are MS-13 gang members.  They keep coming because, thanks to Democrats, it works.  They continue to infiltrate our country with Democrat support in sanctuary cities.

Fact 3:

Some of the migrants from Central America who are traveling with the caravan are actually from the Middle East.  Potentially, hundreds of them or maybe thousands of them are members of ISIS.  Thanks to Democrats, ISIS is infiltrating our country, too.

Fact 4:

Human trafficers and sex trafficers are part of the caravan.

Fact 5:

The establishment media is the mouthpiece of the Democrat Party.  They are spreading propaganda and fake news hoping to help Democrats win in the midterm elections.  Click here to watch.  The establishment media is using a form of thought control.

The #walkaway Movement

The #walkaway movement is growing rapidly for a reason.  People have had enough of Democrat lies.  They are tired of hearing them again and again and again.

Kanye West walked away.  He openly rejects what Democrats stand for, because he knows that he has been lied to.  Click here to watch him explain his thinking.

Don’t Vote for a Democrat

I have already told you that I used to be a Democrat.  I didn’t tell you this, but I have never been a Republican and never will be.

This is what I know:

  1. Donald Trump is doing what we elected him to do.
  2. We need a wall on our southern border for our safety and security.
  3. Democrats have done everything they can do to prevent President Trump from succeeding.
  4. President Trump is succeeding anyway. His accomplishments in less than 2 years dwarf what Obama was able to “accomplish” in 8 years.  In fact, dismantling Obama’s atrocities (Obama calls them accomplishments) is a large part of the Trump agenda.
  5. President Trump needs more support in the House and Senate. If he gets that support, he will build a wall on our southern border.  There is nothing racist about protecting yourself.
  6. I am doing everything I can do that is legal and aboveboard to help the president get that support. Please join me.

Don’t vote for a Democrat.  Voting for Democrats will hurt us, not help us.




SnyderTalk Comment:

Facts are stubborn things.




“The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.” (John 17: 22-24)

See “His Name is Yahweh”.

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